in #food7 years ago (edited)

Hello girls and boys!!

So as you all know I love food! I make so many delicious cakes, meals and desserts and its hard to get into shape. I have been struggling with my weight for a long time, but I know most people cant see that from the outside. 

I dont have the best relationship with food and diet, I always either over eat or under eat and its been like this for a while. ANYONE who ever tried to lose weight, knows HOW HARD it is. 

I have started my weight loss journey 12 weeks ago, the first 10 weeks went quite well and I even lost around 6-7 kg by just eating healthy food and around 1800 calories. 

Then last two weeks I messed up again and gained 3 kg back. It was so upsetting but its my fault. I know a lot of people battle with weight loss and I know how hard it is! 

I know some of you might think I look fine and I know I do, but I want to get back to how I used to be and how I used to look few years ago. More importantly I want to be healthy, strong and fit. Sometimes you might look skinny but your fat % can be high. 

I have tried all diets in the world just to give you an example of what i have tried in the last 10 years! 

Lemon Water Detox Diet ( super hard and weight comes back)

Fruit Diet ( eating just fruit)

Vegetable Diet ( eating just veggies) 

Atkins Diet ( worked but gained it back)

Dukan Diet ( worked but then gained all back)

Calorie Counting Diet ( drives you mad) 

Vegan Diet ( worked for a bit, but hard to maintain) 

Intermittent Fasting ( worked and is great so far, still doing it) 

Slim Fast Diet ( works but gain back) 

Slimming World Diet ( works but not effective)

Juice Diet ( great for cleaning but weight comes back)

Sugar free diet ( works great but as soon as you eat sugar its back on)

I have probably forgot the others that I have tried. As a woman, i think on average we try at least 5-10 diets in a life time! The best diet I have found was when I just ate healthy meals and mainly green vegetables and loads of fresh fruit with some protein. 

The key is really to just eat less and move more. It doesn’t matter what diet you are on really, it is all about eating less calories and burning more, so your body is in deficit and starts to go to your fat reserves. 

We all know this, so why is it so hard to lose weight? It takes SOOO LONG, you have to be soon patient - which I am not btw! But I have given myself a goal of 1 year, and I know I will go up and down, but as long as I am getting results thats all that matters. 

As you know I met @ivargereiko and he is a professional athlete and has done several diets to reduce body fat and to compete in competitions and has transformed several people. So I asked him to help me and give me a food plan. Not going to lie, the plan is rough! lol eating 6 meals a day in a very small amounts. 

Thing is I TRUST him. He has done it before, now I'm going to do this diet for 3 weeks. I call this a diet, because we are going to be shredding the fat, and he explained once the fat is gone, we build more muscles and then can increase the calorie amount to 1800-2000 a day and not gain weight. Doesn't this like a dream come true? 

Well I am about to experiment on myself… so wish me luck! I am going away in 3 weeks to see my family in Spain, so I do want to look better! I am also doing interment fasting, which means once a week so lets say every Monday - I don’t eat at all and just drink lemon water - around 3 litres! 

You can see the full progress on my Instagram , I will be updating daily what i eat for those who want to follow! I will weight myself today and see the progress in few weeks! 

Wish me luck guys!!! If any of you want to get healthy and need food or exercise routine - he is the best person to go to! 

Let me know your experiences about the weight loss… what has or hasn't worked for you? 

You can add me on Instagram here and see my stories! Images were taken from a free image source.

Lots of love,

Alla xox 

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Wish me luck guys!!!

I wish you luck Alla, but luck will come only when you remove refined (industrial) sugar from your diet. It is that easy.

Wow, the story of your weight Los, you don't look like someone that has much weight, I wish you the best of luck, you know much about diet, with diet and exercise you will loose enough weight and return to your initial slim fit. Nice article as usual.

Good luck Alla!
It sounds like you have a good coach.
Building muscle mass is VERY important for increasing the metabolism and burning more calories so I was glad to see he has that on your agenda.
I personally had great success when I switched to a paleo diet, very low in carbs, no gluten, no sugar, no fried food and no processed foods. I lost 35 lbs in 5 weeks with no exercise. I also cut down the alcohol which has great effects all around.
Looking forward to seeing your success.

I totally agree..."LOOSING" weight is pretty much impossible.

However, "LOSING" weight can be achieved through diet, exercise, determination and patience. :D


Hi .. happy to know you. I think why we hurt ourselves to hold the appetite just because of diet ..? Food is a god gift to us to be enjoyed,In my opinion, we just do not know how to eat right, tip from me, "SUCH AS YOU EAT BEFORE HUNGRY AND STOP BEFORE REPLETE" and "EAT LITTLE BUT OFTEN".you can try the tips that I give, so you do not have to hold the taste. Thanks.

Hi Alla, I don't know if you know this but since you cook a lot, maybe that makes a difference for you. Basically every time you eat something (even tasting food while you cook) your body releases insulin.

While your body is flooded with insulin it can't possibly burn any fat. You're basically only in fat burning mode in between meals. And if you go too long without protein, you start burning muscles. So that's why you should have some protein every 2,5-3 hours. This is a good read with loads of info https://www.t-nation.com/diet-fat-loss/insulin-advantage - good luck with reaching your eight loss goals. Xx

carrots and only carrots

Min carbs, zero sugar and weight training, that's how I lost more than 15 pounds!!

Please follow and support me @patricksanlin

Bonne chance as we say in French!

In your post the advice will surely be very useful I am all agreed with you

nice article ,
Good luck on your fitness journey!
I advise you to fight and continue on this path

Have you looked into Intermittent Fasting?? Probably one of the best ways to naturally lose weight. I usually do 12-16 hour fasts (8 hrs of sleep plus 4-8 hours during the day). The human body actually becomes internally stronger during fasting. Cells rebuild and regrow stronger, which protects the brain and body against several diseases. Not only that, your body uses fat as energy after your glycogen stores become depleted.
Just imagine this, hundreds of years ago, before grocery stores, do you think people really ate breakfast? Usually not... Hunters and gathers had to go find food before they could eat!
Look into it and do a little research, it could completely change your life!

How can we be of help to this painfull struggle .we are at your disposal :((

That's quite a lotyou have tried there. I have been through same problem. The problem with diet is that they are temporary though I found Intermittent fasting good. Still following. The thing to consistency is making good food choices. I have reduced 22 pounds not by some diet but adopting a healthy lifestyle. Try fiber rich foods. That'll help :)
Check out my blog @rahul516. I write fitness articles. Follow if you like it.
upvoted and followed.

Please follow and support me @patricksanlin

Hello @allasyummyfood, we are also fighting this battle. Time to change the old diet. Just wrote about this as we return from our holiday/binge:

Discipline is really the key. In China, there is a dietary food like oatmeal, people lost more than 20kg within a week and they feel good. The product is called 159. It's really popular now in China. If you have it for 3 meals a day without eating anything else but tons of water, you will achieve unbelievable result. I don't want to lose weight, my husband and I have been using it to control our weight. The key theory of it is same as what we've know- control your mouth. I am not promoting this product here, but trying to say weight control is all about disciple.

I think you are right. People focus on programs but iy comes down to pure discipline.

Wish you the best of luck Alla, weight loss is such a struggle sometimes, but you have a lot of support, and I'm sure it will be very motivational for others to watch you post your journey too :)

Good luck on your fitness journey! I am also struggling with my diet and my overall fitness plan the past few months. Good thing my trainer is so patient with me. I'll follow your progress on instagram :)

Trainers shouldn't be patient, that could be an issue.

Cool article, you've tried a lot. All people are different so I try to experiment as well. I have had great results in the last year. I would recommend one major thing, low bread intake, lower fruit intake. Sugars make your mind happy, and our guts may crave it, but the only gain is short term happiness to some and some quick fat intake. Protein and fiber can be locked down in beans and they give you a lot of energy. I have always maintained a similar weight by eating food that isn't rewarding, so I know when I am cheating. Most of my friends and family give me shit sometimes so I eat everything around at events so I don't seem un-american lol. I would like to see your updates, thanks!!

Wow! Everything you posted about all the diets is true. I would love to see what you're doing. I'm following you on IG. So I would love to do it with you. I have an important conference that I'm going to in a month. And I want to lose as much weight as I can. I need a meal plan though. Anyways,.... I'll be watching your progress! Thank you!

I feel your struggle. What works for me hands down is intermittent fasting and calorie restriction. I stop eating at 9pm and resume the next day at 3.30 or 4pm . Always more protein and healthy fat,less carbs and sugar. I wish u all the best in your new diet. Keep us updated.

You CAN do this woman. I know you are determined, so stay focused and look at it as less a Diet,and more a lifestyle change. I on the other hand will probably gain more weight now that I am ready your blogs. For example the Lemon dessert you posted today, Im dying to try it. Ok back to you, if loosing weight will make you happier, I'm behind you 100%

I know people like him

The punchline at the end is the best.

But I have given myself a goal of 1 year, and I know I will go up and down, but as long as I am getting results thats all that matters.

Well that's actually the right way i think, you cannot expect to get results in a few weeks (on a healthy way and keep that), excpetions included i guess.. ^^

When you feel like you are about to stop your diet or sth similiar just post on steem and you should get enough motivation to go on ;)

Oh, the fight against being overweight is familiar to everyone! But while the weight wins: (

food is life I love food to your post is pretty helpful thanks a lot for sharing and keep on posting ;)

to lose wight just eat banana and do sex in one week u will lose 10 kilos

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Thank you for sharing and have a blessed day :)

it will be a pleasure if you check my blog once for NSFW Content ;)

Diet is only half of the work. I personally led a bit of a sedentary for a period of 6 months working online as I do. One thing that worked for me was that I had already been exercising before I had that lapse. Cardio is very important. What worked for me is getting a bicycle and riding along the highway every evening sometimes with friends to keep the spirits up. This coupled with a strict diet (no red meat in over two months and no junk food at all.) I also do weight training but that is not very important since I do it to improve my physique. Wish you all the best @allasyummyfood!!

good tips

The story of my life

The best way to lose weight is really to stop eating high-calorie food in general and minimize sugar intake. There are only a handful of foods that are high-calorie (not talking about the pre-packaged stuff in the stores, where you can find plenty of high-calorie stuff).

My very first post on Steemit was how I lost seven kilos in seven weeks, because I tried to lose it fast, so I was also trying to eat much less than usual to achieve that weight loss faster. But you don't have to do that - you can do it twice as slowly by eating more normally, but watching out for those high-calorie foods. - @jarexx.

Hey @allasyummyfood! Awesome post!

If you don't mind, I would like to share with you my story regarding this subject.

I think it was four or five years ago when i've decided to lose weigth. At the time I weighted around 103 kg and it felt aweful, honestly. I always loved food and cooking, and I still do, but some things have changed since then. On my journey to be healthier I've reduced a lot on the amount of calories ingested per day, and found out that not eating at night made a huge diference over all. For few years after that, by only focusing myself only on diet, I was able to reduce my weight to 91kg. No more! I wasn't able to reduce more than that since I wasn't working out. That was due to my studies in the multimedia field, consuming all of my time for the last few years of my life.

At the start of this year I read somewhere that eating refined sugar can make you brain numb, and so I tried to stop eating sugar for a week. After that I had the news that my brother got diabetes type 2, leading me to look at sugar with disgust. These events gave me another perspective on food and health in general.

Today I can't say I'm vegan but I think I'm getting close to it. Not to lose weight or anything but because I feel like eating healthy. You can say I'm on a diet but I don't feel that way, truly. I've started to walk everywhere I need to go to save money and that, together with the way I eat, made a huge impact on my life.

This morning I picked up my scale and found out that my current weight is now 82.8kg. I never weighted so little since I was 16 (I'm 1.83m tall). The funny thing is that I am losing weight every day, even if it's just a little bit, without making an effort. But you know, this was due to my circumstances and the mindset I've got after that huge emotional rollercoaster.

Anyway, again, awesome post!
Keep it up and good luck on your journey!

I wish you all the success in the world to reach your goal, but just remember to love yourself now as much as you imagine you will when you reach your target :)

You just need to be happy. It's not about diets! You are driving your self crazy!
Stay with eating good proteins, fruit and veggies,drink h2o :)
Have yourself a free day from the diet and satisfy those cravings.
Incorporate 30 minutes of walking or exercise.
Enjoy life! Your a famous you tuber!!! :)

I actually have trouble gaining weight than losing it. I'm like 121 lbs (55 kg) and want to get 165 lbs (75kg), but so far it isn't going great...

Fantastic post! Losing weight and keeping it off is very, very hard. It's not like smoking where you can just stop eating. I love food! We still have to eat! I just wrote a post yesterday on my weight loss. I have a lot of success with high volume foods such as veggies with awesome seasonings. Veggies are awesome because you can eat a ton and they are very low in calories. I weightlift, so I follow macros/IIFYM. I'm going to follow you on instagram too. You got this!

Congrats on ur success 😊 Its hard I know. And one slip and u have to grab u by the ear to go back on...lol..
Thx for sharing. Inspiering

hey un interesante dato para ponerlo en practica en nuestra vida cotidiana, me gustan tus publicaciones porque siempre aportan notas practicas para nuestro diario vivir.♥

Do you have specific targets? Best of luck :-)

I am also going to embark on a weight loss journey shortly with a complete lifestyle change...here is to best wishes and hard work to both of us!! Kayleigh

I lost 20 kilos because of being in a severe stress situation with my my wife being a mental patient and two little kids to care for. So I'm on the opposite side of it. I need some calories!

Wow. You're doing Intermittent Fasting. I'm doing that too. I been doing it since last summer, but if forgot what day I started.

I been doing about 4 days water fast and 3 days of eating. Well not always 4 days, but most of the time.

I make allowances for holidays and birthdays and parties that I have to go to. So at least 2 day fast a week, but mostly 4 days of water fasting every week.

That is why I visit your site a lot. Just to look at the food, but not touch. Ha ha.

The next door neighbor says, he can really tell the difference. To him my face looks slimmer. I count him as one of the boys next door.

The boys next door used to always want me to drink beer with them and they supplied the beer. I don't even like beer that much.

So one day I told him I don't drink anymore. The boys next door are pretty heavy.

I told them about fasting and they said right of the bat, "No. Are you kidding. I can't do that." Everyone of them.

So the boys next door just keep on drinking. They let me have the bottles and cans to recycle. That drinking adds on weight too.

@allasyummyfood have you tried Paleo diet?
Also with meals the biggest breakfast & smallest dinner.
Sugar isn't good and alcohol equals a lot of empty calories.
Water (warm) with lemon first thing in the morning.
Good luck!

Ive found that calorie counting is the wrong approach and why the calorie restrictions diets don't last. Instead try feeding the body foods high in nutrients, minerals and good fats. When the body signals its hungry that's what it truly wants. Not empty calories. In that way you can eat until your full and be more satisfied longer. This has to be more of a lifestyle change instead of a diet so there's no yo-yo effect.

Although i do love food cooking baking and the likes, I've managed adopt a more of a vegan diet because meats and dairy tend to be full of nasty stuff. Antibiotics, chemicals and hormones to make them bigger and fatter in a much shorter period of time is a ticking time bomb, which then ends up in us and thus we end up getting "bigger" and sicker.

While i do still enjoy meat and some cheeses Off and on (I am down to only eating it once a month since I still have a family that I cook for that still love their meat), I try to get my protein source from plant based foods or a better and cleaner meat source.

Of all the research and experiments with diets and health, I've found that Dr Morses (he's on YouTube) work makes the most sense and works for me. He made me realize that we eat for health not dieting. Once were healthy everything else falls into place.

Note: I've also found that taking iodine for thyroid function boosts metabolism (studies have shown that most people are defiecient in iodine anyway)

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