Hello everyone!! I watched a really good documentary last night called FED UP and also one called SUGAR. I highly recommend you watch this, as its shocking!

I always loved sugary things, candy, cakes and so on and obvsiuldy I am a food blogger, but the facts are worse because we only know and consume sugar that we are aware of. Majority of people dont even know that sugar hides under 52 different names, which you would have never guessed. It is not advised to have more than 6 tsp of sugar a day which is 25 gr!!
Hidden sugars are mainly in sauces, tomato sauces, salad dressing, bread, oats, granola and yogurts. The list goes on!

The real fact is that nobody knows is that SUGAR is 8 times more ADDICTIVE than cocaine and windrawal symptoms and cravings for sugar are SIMILAR to HEROIN addicts!! This how bad it really is.

Basically after watching these documentaries, i decided to do a little experiment on myself and give up sugar for 2 weeks to start with. Fruit and vegetables dont count as sugar in this experiment, as they are natural sugars. I am eliminating all sugar from processed and hidden foods!!

Who wants to join this experiment with me?

Wish me luck!!
Alla xxx
I have cut sugar (and wheat and corn) out of my diet for about the past three months. And I’m probably in the best shape of my adult life now.
The hardest part about this new diet is grocery shopping. Almost everything at the store has some kind of sugar or wheat/corn derivatives or by-products in it. So I mostly just buy raw fruits and vegetables, meats and eggs, milk, unsweetened yogurts and kefirs, and then spend a couples hours in the kitchen every day preparing and cooking meals.
Refined sugar is likely what causes a lot of our health problems. This is the second time I’ve tried this diet, and both times, my wife and I lost 10-15 pounds in the first 2-3 weeks. And weight loss wasn’t our goal...because neither of us are/were fat. So if anyone is looking to lose weight, that’s the easy “trick.” Stop eating sugar. And seriously consider cutting out wheat and corn.
Let me know how your experiment goes!
thanks so much! really encouraging, its my day two and I'm finding it really hard! almost like this strong craving, i really want sugar! its insane how addicted we become!! and yes grocery shopping is really tough! even porridge has sugar!! i mean common!!!
Nice and informative post. If we take average quantity of sugar then it is not poison for us. so keep balanced diet. Thanks for sharing @allasyummyfood
Good call. I’ve been trying to cut down my sugar intake recently. After your blog I may replace it with cocaine! Should be ok in tea but not sure how you would cook with it :)
hhahahahha oh!!
Sugar is a poison, not a nutrient. It is pure concentrated energy without any minerals or vitamins that will help to digest and absorb it. It is like putting jet fuel in a car, you will endanger your whole body.
yeah so true!!!
Watch this one as well and you'll never touch sugar again.
yes thats the one i watched as well!! its sooo bad!!!
I had already started think some about keeping my sugar down,
But until watching this film i never understood where all that sugar intake came from.
What i use in tea or coffee is not even worth mention.
sugar is actually food for the brain.. you sure you don't want to feed your brain?
In all fairness, fat is the food for the brain. Sugar puts it to sleep ;)
Great, i hope it does well
Really.... Kkk km keep posting
I wish you luck, but I don't have so many vices, I think I get to keep at least sugar....
heheh thank you!! what do you vices?
I mean things that are bad but enjoyable.
Been there done that!
And it works if you want to loose weight.
But the "weening off" process is a bit like giving up tobacco or any 'addiction', you will have cravings!
Good luck!
ooh god, I'm dreading it!! yes wanna lose weight as well!!
Think of it like a holiday.
I picked a number, set a time frame.
12 mth later I'd done it. and then I set a 2nd (smaller) goal & 3mths later I'd done that also.
But the plan was set a goal first.
Sugar is "evil", the hard part is the addiction
but the good news is, once you ween off, all is OK. (maybe takes a week?)
but remember carbs = sugar!!
eat carbs and the 'craving' prob comes back!
so stock up on all the fruit / nuts / vege / "stuff" you can.
They won't hurt but at least you have "snacks" when cravings hit :-)
good luck!
ooh gosh its only day two and I'm really feeling not great!!! i will try! i already had nuts and fruit and veg!!! thanks thou!!
Hang in there the DT's are not good.
I got shakes, sweats & felt bad, really bad.
But lots of water helped, and I think I ate a few KG's of bananas, apples and dried fruit every day, just to fill my stomach & avoid the 'evil white stuff'....hang in there it gets easier!
a pleasure to join you
What should i do?
yay!! well just start today,and write down any changes that you have!! monitor your sleep, cravings, your energy levels and food labels, ideally you cook at home from scratch!
I tried but gave up in a week
was it that hard?
Its harder than quitting porn
My friends birthday is tommorow and it would look somehow if share the cake and do not have a bite of it. you would excuse me to eat that sumptuous cake for the last time.@allasyummyfood i found your post very useful and am willing take up the challenge. But i must say its a bit tasking and tempting to stay away from it especially when almost every piece of food is spiced with synthesized sugar (from the bread in food store, yoghurt and more).
haha!! sure start from the day after :)))
I'll take a lok at those documentaries, this certainly looks like a nice challenge that i want to do!!
yeah do it!! i found it soo fascinating!!!
Good luck, Alla!! I can imagine that won't be easy, even the rice I have everyday contains sugar!!!
i know thanks so much!! yes i know it really does!! every thing has it!! soo bad!
Hi, your post is very good I like, see is my introduction post @iqbaallsm
Good luck! I would say, having done an elimination diet in the past, that it will take 2 weeks just to get rid of the cravings. After that, it will be easy to continue a sugarless diet.
ooh really?? i guess i will give this a go!! apparently even if you have a bit of sugar, so easy to go back!
addiction's a bummer ;o)
The other things I eliminated were coffee (so sad) and also products made with wheat flour and no drinking for a month (I did, however, add in a few glasses of wine on weekends). First I had to get rid of my coffee addiction. Then I eliminated the rest. I was SO healthy (and lost a few pounds!) and felt terrific. I noticed that I didn't even crave chocolate!
5 years later, I let all those bad things creep back in to my body...hmmm, maybe I shall try again...
yeah do it! it will make you feel so much better!!! luckily I'm not a coffee addict!! so thats helpful!! but yeah go back to it!!
Im doing it already since 3 weeks. But I eliminated fruits too and eat them only on my cheat day. It feels great 🙂
ooh wow fruits as well?? that seems pretty hard for me, i love fruits :)) hehehe
Me too but fructose rise up your insulin level just like normal sugar
yeah but because it has nutrients its slows it down ?
Not really, vitamins and fiber don’t slows it down. Fructose is a monosaccharide, your insulin level will rise up very fast
I used to not take sugar at all, for couple years in fact I felt very healthy. Now all goes downhill ;)
hahah its soo hard isn't it!!!
Be careful when you drop your sugar. Most people have the tendency to replace it with other taste enhancers. The trinity of taste enhancers are usually sugar, salt and oil. (There is also smoke and spice- but they are minor in comparison)
If you read the ingredients of sugar free items, you will usually find that either/both salt and oil have been increased.
Similarly, if buy an item with decrease salt (especially in tomato sauce), the concentration of sugar increases.
However, since you usually make your own foods, this shouldn't be a problem though.
Good luck.
jeesuuss this is just so crazy, the food industry has really became so bad, its full of palm oil, sugar, salt and thats why everyone is getting so sick!!! thanks!
Good luck @allasyummyfood. I am sure you will make it. It is possible to quit sugar. After some days your body will adjust to it. Are you going to take honey or other supplements instead?
I hope so, day two and its been hard! i am planning not to take honey or anything else for now!
Ow ok. You can do it!!! I know it is not easy, but it is possible!!!!!!
You can eat sugar. That sweet poison ☺️😂☀️☀️
Excellent information. I invite you to that you visit my post by @thetiger.
I got skin cancer last year and cut sugar out of my diet. The first month was crazy, it was like I was coming of narcotics. Mood swings shakes the whole bit. Then it stopped and I stopped even wanting sugar. It was unappealing to me. I think it is great that you are trying to go without it for awhile. It is important to know how the chemicals we put in our body effect us, good or bad. That way the food we eat is intentional. I am looking forward to your experiences with no sugar.
ooh i hope you have healed your cancer ;( yes i will keep everyone posted!! I'm having really strong withdrawals!! :(
yeah less sugar is the best
This is insane... i knew sugar was not good for you but this is mindblowing
And i love posts like that... more than the ones that i dont have any ideas what they are saying lol
ui... good luck. I think it won't be easy because as You said there are so many hidden sugars in every single thing we eat... they hide under different names and components :d But You can do it :D
very good post dear
I gave up sugar long time ago and I always keep fingers for my friend who are trying give up too. Great post my friend, appreciate :-) up
Love all your creations but cannot eat any of them as they are normally loaded with sugar. Great you have seen the truth. Cafe's and restaurants are the next challenge - simple salads come out dosed in sugary dressing, barista milk used with coffee come pre-sweetened and the baristas do not know. Once you have been off sugar for a while anything you taste that has "non-natural" sugar will have an unnatural sweetness. Natural wholefoods, unprocessed are the way to go. All the best - I look forward to some interesting recipes - your challenge is greater than many with the work you love.
heheh thanks so much! i won't be doing any recipes with no sugar for now, as its just an experiment, and unfortunately just cos i won't eat sugar, doesnt mean my audience has to suffer :) the most important sugar for me is not in a cake or a cookie that you make at home, its those sugars that are hidden away so much! and nobody is aware of it!!
I find it hard to do as many things have added sugar and the labels are said to be misleading @allasyummyfood btw when is the next meetup?
actually I am doing a big christmas party and all steemians are invited!!! :D
Awesome not sure if you remember me but we chatted at Steemfest2 @allasyummyfood and mentioned I am also in the UK, will you be posting the details on the event on your blog ?
yes i will post it here as well today!!!
Good luck! I know a few friends who tried to cut out sugar i.e. any processed sugar and only consumed sugar that occurred naturally in fresh produce such as fruits etc. They said it was hard at first but they felt great in about 2 weeks and saw improvements in sleep, skin, mental alertness etc.
It's all good stuff so all the best on your journey!
ooh gosh i hope so, i am trying!!
I am wishing you luck!!!
I am sure you are doing fine just like with your vegan weight loss diet (slow and steady ;) ). I would like to tell you that it is so good for the body and I cannot recommend you enough to stay away from sugar all together. However, and I only say it because I myself have been sugar-free for good 3-5 years, you become an odd person in this society... Going out keeps your friends thinking, well what is she going to eat? Will she find anything to eat on the menu and etc.
Another thing to keep in mind is the fact that your balance for sweetness changes drastically! I feel the sweetness of whipped cream without the need for sweetener. My guests, on the other hand, keep asking me to add sugar to the desserts because their sugar buds are all out of balance (or mine :) ) even if I have added the sweetener. Everything feels toooooo sweet, sickeling sweeeeet!
Jana R.
Great article! Are you going to post any results of this challenge? How did it ended up? I'm playing with this idea to cut all sugars off my diet, but I realize it's going to be tough. I stopped adding sugar (or honey) to my coffee more than a year ago just after I noticed I ate whole big bottle of honey in few months! Now I'm not able to drink my coffee sweetened at all - I've replaced it with few drops of milk. But anyway - not drinking sweet drinks seems to be much easier than avoiding cakes and chocolates. What was the hardest part for you? And what helped you most?