@allaboutpastries: My Next Addition to the Thirty Minute Meals Portfolio....Caramelized Vegetable Patties; Along With More Interesting Posts from the Steemit Site!

in #food8 years ago

I love this type of dish.  You can make the mix, shape the patties, then freeze them on a tray; when frozen, bag up and they are there for use whenever you want them.  So, lets see how they are made......

Caramelized Vegetable Patties

Ingredients Required:

Mashed Potatoes - Plain with no added fat. (The caramelized vegetables are cooked in olive oil, so that will add sufficient fat to the patties). 

You want a 50:50 cooked, potato/vegetable mix (It makes them really healthy and nutritious)!

Whatever Vegetable mix you like.  (I used here: onions, garlic, leeks, and a little grated carrot).

Olive oil

Salt and plenty of white pepper.


Slice the onions and leeks finely. 

Mash the garlic with a little salt.  (Salt will release the garlic juices and make it easier to make into a paste - you get more flavor from the garlic when mashed, rather than chopped).

Grate the carrot.

Put a good slug of olive oil into the pan and add all of the prepared vegetables.  

Put a lid on the pan and sweat the vegetables until soft.

Keep on cooking the vegetable mixture on a slightly raised heat.

Stir the vegetables frequently, and cook until they are sufficiently coloured. (You can add a little balsamic vinegar, or a teaspoon of sugar to speed up the process, but I don't like the 'false' sweetness this gives to the vegetables; I prefer the natural sweetness from the vegetables, by slowly cooking them).

Combine the vegetable mixture with the mashed potatoes. 

Season well, especially with lots of white pepper!

Make into patties as big as you like.

Put a portion into the cleaned pan, with a little more olive oil to fry them in.  Put a lid on to save splattering from the pan....it also aids caramelizing of the patties.

Turn them over when coloured sufficiently underneath.

(Sorry about this....I only took the one image and it would come out blurred)!

When both sides are caramelized equally, take them out and put onto your serving dish.

I topped mine with a fried egg; the yolk of my egg broke onto the pattie, mmmmmm!

You can use them in many ways: as the potato element in your brunch fry up, topped with crispy bacon, or any dish which requires a potato accompaniment.   A really delicious potato dish, which 'sings' with flavor.  

Now for some more Interesting Posts you might have missed:

@natashahall has made a delicious and healthy, gluten free, super-food Granola recipe which is also Gluten free.  Love granola and love this recipe too).

 @nelissa , her very hot sauce leaves me cold!  No way could I try it. However, I now know how it is made and am very grateful for that.  If it wasn't so hot I would love it.

@shalala gives us a lovely, crispy and 'hot' summer salad.  This is definitely one for the summer.  Based upon the delicious, peppery radish. Yum, yum!

@choofy got mum to help him give us mustard meatballs and Bavarian cabbage.  A German inspired dish; I hope he enters it in Patelencho's challenge?

and finally for now.....I have promoted the excellent series on Pasta making by .......

@get-baking.  This finishes off the series by expanding on the uses for tomato sauce.  Great post, do look.

Well, that's it for now.  Do try this dish it really is good; and please look at the above for some really interesting food posts.

Until we meet again please keep writing those great posts my dear Steemit friends; as all I want to do is.....



as often as I can.


The liquid egg yolk bursting onto and mixing with the veggie-potato patties..mmmm..you made me hungry before bedtime :))

It was really good I must say. Check out my next post just finished...going into the science of baking ingredients. Explains how and why ingredients work the way they do. Well starting to anyway. Quite proud of it but, no one will read it! Think I'll go back to writing my series of books! Thanks for your witticisms. :)X

Cool! Will check it out later! Got a lot of catchup to do..quite a lot of things been happening lately, and I'm not in the best of health at the moment..started a coconut oil-lemon juice detox a couple days back..will see if I feel better in a month..

Are you wise if not feeling very well? These detox diets are quite severe? Maybe wait until you feel a little better? Get a blood test done. This shows up loads. Use it a lot if horses are a bit 'iffy' and don't know why. Take care of yourself. :)X

Those are good points..I am still eating normally and supplementing with multivitamins and calcium supplements..this is just a mild form to help remove toxins and stimulate both metabolic as well as immune systems..

German healthcare seems to totally support and love this 'blood test' method..I have an appointment in early September..will see how it goes..Thanks for the concern dear <3<3

You are quite welcome, care about you. Stay healthy and DO NOT go too extreme. :)X

Aww thanks dear! I'll keep that in mind every time I scoop into the coconut oil jar :))

Oooh I would love them patties!!

Then make them kitchenfairy, make them! Really easy and caramelizing the vegie mixture really improves the flavour. God I am such a bore! :)X

No, seriously. They are vegan friendly, apart for the egg, so I would definitely make them. I think my 7 yo would like them for sure. Thank you for the idea!

My pleasure. Tomato sauce on top, or curry sauce, or.........beans, love beans, home made of course, using chickpeas in get-baking's delicious tomato sauce. yum....!? LOL :)X

Ps. Good way of hiding vegetables from the littleies! :)X

For sure 😁