@allaboutpastries: A New Series of 30 Minute Meals, Ideal for Those who Live on Their Own. Filled Jacket Potato; Simple and Very Tasty!

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Living on my own I like to make healthy, easy, but most of all quick, and tasty food.  For a while I have thought that there are many more out there who are in the same situation.  So here you are - 30 minutes (or less) meals for you to enjoy.

To begin, a very tasty filling made with salad vegetables and tuna, wrapped up in mayonnaise, and stuffed to overflowing into a jacket potato. A little shredded lettuce completes the dish.

Filled Jacket Potato

There is no point in putting an ingredients list here as just put in what you fancy.  I am using Tuna; you could put in cooked chicken, ham, sliced cooked sausage, prawns, etc......,  entirely up to you.

To begin, put the potato into the microwave.  My quite large potato took 5 minutes; turned, then 2 minutes more.  Leave for a few minutes for the temperature to even out!  Do squeeze a little first to ensure the potato is soft - I cannot stand under cooked potato!

Chop up celery and onion, put into a small bowl.

Dice up a large juicy tomato.

Open a small tin of tuna.  (Sorry, it has to be in sunflower oil).  Pour a little of the oil over the diced vegetables; discard the rest of the oil and add the tuna to the vegetables.

Quarter a lemon.

Squeeze all of the juice over the tuna and vegetables.

Stir lightly, then add mayonnaise, and salt and pepper.  The blue link will take you straight to my mayonnaise recipe post.

Mix well and place in the fridge for the flavors to merge together.

When the potato is ready, place on the plate with the shredded lettuce garnish.

Make a deep cross cut through the top of the potato.

Using your finger and thumb of both hands; take each end of the potato and squeeze from underneath, upwards.  This technique will push the center up and make a cavity in  the potato, for the filling.

Add a chunk of butter, and season the potato.

Top with your filling, eat and enjoy. 

I just love hot and cold food together on a plate and this dish provides me with that.

You will really enjoy this dish.  My topping mix lasted me for 2 meals - yummy!

 More Interesting Posts:

@get-baking has produced a definitive guide to Pasta making.  There are three posts just filled with step by step images; really worth a visit.  Part 1 is here.  I am told, sauces are next!

@get-baking Part 2 pasta making

@get-baking Part 3 pasta making

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my Steemit friends; as I would love to know what you think.


Looks very delicious 😋 thank you for the step by step recipe that makes it alot easier!

You are very welcome but they take ages to do! :)X