Owl food art! Why not play with your food?!

in #food7 years ago

Here is something that I think you will all enjoy! This little owl is something I made for a baby shower not too long ago!


Fruit used:
Watermelon: base
Limes: eyes
Pineapple: wings and eyebrows
Cantaloupe: eyes and feet
Strawberries: leaves for the eyelashes
Olives: pupils

This truly was a super fun project. I had seen many Pinterest posts of people making drum crayon a out of food and I knew I had to take a stab at it! I’m thinking a teddy bear may be fun or maybe a turtle?



never seen such an amazing and delicious owl in my life. Although i am not an owl eater, but love to eat this sort of owl. It show your artistic sense. Keep sharing @alaysiababin

Wow thank you so much @kamchore I really appreciate the long and thoughtful response! These are the ones that make my day! I’ll be sure to go visit your blog as well!

This looks very nice creative work . I am happy to learn about you from your grandfather . He is such a generous person . Happy to be connected with you and will follow your activities here :)

Thank you so much @azizbd if I can be half the amazing Steemit queen as my grandfather then I won’t be too half bad! I am excited to get to know you as well and I’ll take a look at some of your posts as well!

wawoow thats mavillious u have the art of food thats quite interesting keep it up stay bless!

Thank you! I’ve been pretty busy lately with my business but I’m trying to start finishing more free time to do fun artsy things like this more often!

pleasure is all mine and yeah that will be really good if you give time to us!

I’m sure trying! You’d be amazed what I can get done in a days time haha!

great art with food 👌👍

Thank you! What do you think I should try next?!

Very good! Keep up the good posting!

good work my dear @alaysiababin:-). and good writing also. thanks for sharing

Thank you so much @mdmunna I’m trying to do at least a post a day for the next week! That’s my goal! If not two! I hope you’ll check them out each day!

I will follow you...

what a creativity!!!!!! lol.
The presentations are more important to the people. For the first time, people thought that I would eat. It is not a matter of how to eat. But the present situation is different. Now people are beautiful. Now people are very good. And now they are making different types of food.As a result, people's queues are changing. It has both good and bad aspects for people. Just like people enjoying different foods. In fact, the amount of adulteration in the food is running.

Fresh foods are essential for keeping good health.

steem is a good way of expressing creativity. I love steemit

Thank you so much grandpa! Have to step up to the plate and show off my skills of being your smart 🤓 granddaughter 😜

Here watermelon, pineapple, other than other fruits have been used?????

WOW! Its a wonderful creativity. :)

Thank you @ikrahch I love doing funky out of the box things like this! I’m hoping to make more little creations like this! Stay tooned

This creative idea, of the fruit can be made into a buring ghosts and is very similar to ...
I like it

What is buring ghosts? 🙂💁🏼

what a creativity it is!!!!!!!!!!!! good work

Thank you! What should I do next?

food art is nice....best of luck

I do them for fun for different events with friends! They love them.

how many time need make it..?

This took about three hours 😊

Excellent art dear, food also lovely.

Thank you so much! :)

That's food art,very nice work.You are quite innovative .Thank's for the post.@upvoted

Thank you so much for upvoting I will be sure to return the favor. 😊👌🏻

well that need imagination power

Thank you! What do you think I should try next?!

off course you should it amazing i am sure people will gonna love it

Thank you I really do appreciate that!

How do you make it. Teach us to be made. please

I made it by using a small razor blade and a large kitchen knife. I imagined what the outline of the owl would look like and took the top off being careful not to cut off what would be needed for the head/ears/eyes. I then scooped out all of the watermelon with a watermelon scooper. After this I sliced the orange, cantaloupe, and limes into equal sized slices in order to find the right sized circles needed for the eyes. Using toothpicks I was able to stick the fruit together to stay in place. The olive helped to hide the small section of toothpick that was poking out. I used the razor to gently scrape the triangles on the belly of the owl and then sliced the sizeds of the pineapple off to make it appear like feathers/wings.

thank you very much my dear friend. you are a great heart.

wow this is really nice you have done some great creativity keep on... :)

Thank you! Much appreciated! ☺️