Guys let start our day with this article "Pasta helps weight loss"

in #food7 years ago

i just stumbled on the article and i think its worth reading especially for those of us trying to loss weight ,

Canadian researchers said by eating pasta instead of other carbohydrates, people can avoid spikes in their blood sugar.

According to Lead author Dr John Sievenpiper, from St Michael's Hospital in Toronto,The finding will be welcomed by many after years of nutritionists recommending that pasta be kept to a minimum on grounds it is calorific and causes blood sugar levels to increase.

Unlike other refined carbohydrate-laden products, such as white rice and cakes, the study found pasta has a lower glycaemic index so it is absorbed into the bloodstream slower.

"In weighing the evidence, we can now say with some confidence that pasta does not have an adverse effect on body weight outcomes when it is consumed as part of a healthy dietary pattern"
