How about YOU put out a video of YOURself
how about you stop asking steemit users to prove shit they dont ned to prove to you ro anyone?
"hoepfully he can clear all of this up"
her mom TOOK that photo of her and the CEO and they were in Hong Kong..... i hope you like getting flagged bro cuz thats all ur gonna get if u keep slandering succesful steemit users like this
sweetsssj has anARMy of people she has PERSONallly helped....when they learn about you, you will "never work in this town again"
so PLEASE stop it
focus on mark zuckerberg, he makes billions stealing privacy frm his users,or go complain to reddit CEOs for steling from users
how about youstop accusing this young woman of being a "model" just because she happens to be beautiful enough to be a model....u act like she also cant speak english when i just had a fucking english conversation with her ......she talks to HUNDREDs of peoeple a week....
the reason ur not getting any responses from her here is because everyone has muted you ..(except me) since someone has to call you and your idiot friends out
ur no talking sht about steemits ceo Ned ...u and @henry-gant accusing the steemit CEo of beinG SHADEY AS you fucking AMKE MONEy off his PlATFORM??
fucking ingrate! wtf! wtf is ur problem?
why are you focusing non people who are succesful????
Oh thats right its because you are jelous and you wish YOU were making $1000 a day.....but you wont because of your shit attitude.....
I did remove part of the post, in case other people don't see the humor.
Thanks and have a great evening. by the way, I love Sweetsssj and follow her posts.@ackza,
ok well , i had to do something!
i didnt see any humor, lol nice try covering it up tho :D
Dont ind me, im just going into berzerker mode