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RE: Miss. Delicious #67 : Visiting Señor Frogs in Bahamas!

in #food8 years ago

transparency? dude wtf just ecause @randompic here is being an asshole doesnt mean u have to be one too

TRANSPARENCY?? take thatshit back ! She doesnt owe u shit! and why arent YOU giving transparency!

why arent YOU showing EVERYONE your BANK ACCOUNt show us your RECEIPTS wshow us HOW you do your steemit posts

oh you already have NOT GOOD ENOUGH


doesnt feel good doesit? @sweetsssj doesnt fuckin owe u shit!

if u anna continue the conversation of an asshole trooll then u will be treated like one!

U should have ened ur comment with "Not a bad day job :)" that was good! that was nice!

but when u fuckin had to say " but some transparecy would be nice" youre sounding like ur just trying to appease the asshole ur replying to, a morn with $70 dollars in his steemit account, who is mad he cant make anymore and wants to strike out at @sweetsssj for being succesful!