Hello Friends!
Today a simple breakfast and after a small discussion.

- Polish sausages
- smoked muscle
- 3 eggs
- white cheese (similar to feta cheese)
- ham (thin slices of pig fat to be more precise)
-Soric (pig skin that was cleaned and boiled) - slices of Parmigiano-Reggiano chesse
- red onion
What we do is:
We put the white cheese and the eggs in a blender and mix them until we have a liquid paste.
I also added a red Bulgarian pepper for some flavor
Now we put the slices of ham on the frying pan , instead of oil.
We take the liquid paste and just dump it into the frying pan .
After that we add carefully the remaining ingredients in the order that you desire.
Here I take a red onion and I smash it and put some salt on it
And Voila! Good appetite!
Yeah so the small discussion now that you have a full belly...
Well I just want to say that it still is winter and in my place is 17 degrees Celsius or 62,6 Fahrenheit
I am very concerned about this but I do not have a solution for this problem.
Usually when it is winter we have snow even snow storms in my place but now is like the end of spring and beginning of summer here.
Here is the winter of 2018:
What is your opinion I would like to know?
I wrote some books if you are interested here are the links:
You can buy this book on this stores:
Barnes and Noble
Good appetite @cynetyc!
Thanks @fevronia!
Saludos @cynetyc un excelente desayuno, yo le agregaría un poco de orégano… En cuanto al invierno me parase rudo llevar esa situación ya que nunca la he vivido y doy gracias a la vida por ello.
Greetings @cynetyc an excellent breakfast, I would add a little oregano ... As for the winter I stopped myself roughly carry that situation as I have never lived and I thank life for it.
Oh yeah oregano would be an excellent choice!
Looks really great and so healthy to enjoy :)
Thank you very much @blazing!
Un desayuno bien apetitoso @cynetyc, una buena elección para iniciar un día con frió.
A tasty breakfast @cynetyc, a good choice to start a cold day.
Thank you @tiababi!
Wow! This is very delicious food and also great photography thankful to share with us..
Thank you @mn-nazmul!
Classic breakfast good appetite man!
Thank you @mindlock!
Hola @cynetyc eso sí que tiene buena pinta, espero lo hayas disfrutado, Gracias por compartir la receta…
Hi @cynetyc that looks good, I hope you enjoyed it, Thanks for sharing the recipe...
You"re welcome @cloris, thanks!
Wow Yummy Food. great work and nice photography .
Have a nice day.
$trdo Thanks @cynetyc
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Much apreciatted @goldcoin, thank you!
1.72630238 TRDO1.15086825 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @theshaki, you successfuly trended the post shared by @cynetyc! @cynetyc will receive & @theshaki will get
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That is very nice and delicious @cynetyc!
Thank you @vasilis69!
That looks amazing @cynetyc!
Thank you @xardas!
Un desayuno que incluiré en mi recetario, no alcance hacerlo exactamente igual pero los resultados fueron aceptables. Gracias por compartirlo.
A breakfast that I will include in my recipe book, I did not manage to do it exactly the same way but the results were acceptable. Thank you for sharing.
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