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RE: Missed out the train on BLK and XRP? Want to know what could be next? Read on.

in #fomo8 years ago

dude blackcoin is a dud,, i was invested and pulled out all my money into neo at 7 dollars.. what im saying is, they are listed on the worlds biggest exchange creating high volume.. and monero is coming next.. in aug 25th to be presise


Watching lot of coins, XMR being just one of them and not the only one "coming next".
As far as BLK goes, if you know something, please let me know what it is.
As far as Im aware, they are in for their very own segwit and this chart from today looks good with plenty of exit positions if proverbial shit hits the fan, so Im quite comfortable for now.

xmr is coming next to the korean exchange, i dunno black coin was one of the first pos coins., and i was invested for months with no change, dont get me wrong its na good coin and may slowly gain vlaue, but i mean, why would someone use that over the other plethora of coins you kno

Maybe because of this?

Past limit: median time of last 11 blocks
Future limit: +2 hours
Granularity: 1 second Expected block time: 10 minutes

Blackcoin (New rules)
Past limit: time of last block
Future limit: +15 seconds
Granularity: 16 seconds Expected block time: 64 seconds

Granted, this is from old document and I could find no concrete news of their segwit activation, but this type of performance (whether or not this is true data, well, I`m not an expert and have not tested this myself) brings certain amount of confidence with investors. That could be one of the reasons why someone would use this particular coin.


people use the coins because everyone uses them.. Its like if you could use usd(bitcoin) or say the Egyptian pound (blk) no one will use blk because there is a risk of no one excepting the payment, how many stores real world places accept blk ? not many.. but im no expert myself..

Could be, we`ll see. Not so many places in the world accept BTC too.

bro m any places accept bitcoin, and yes it is slow, and a instant payment aka dash is better there. but there are many cards.. that can now pay with bitcoin tenx ect.,. i also hope you got on the xmr train or getting on it lol..