Why are fake people sending me Facebook friend requests? Before, I would accept beautiful women & I would assume they were real & we mostly believe only what we want to believe.
Here are screenshots of people that sent me friend requests. I rejected or denied their add me requests as the one and only Original Oatmeal Oregon Joey Arnold Morehead Rasp 1985 WOLBI USA VN SAIGON 2017-08-02 Wednesday 12 AM MIDNIGHT OTC HCM. You can see 20K+ FB followers but a bunch can be fake and I am rejecting requests more and more as I get older and I love to share light to people in a dark world.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for sharing great ideas with people.
good job @joeyarnoldvm...
It is a common occurence to get fake people send you friend request on FB, before I usually would not accept any request I do not know personally but I grew older I accpet you only when I have thoroughly gone through your profile to see how Legit you are, one can't be too careful right?
Nice pictures by the way
I have thousands of blog videos on YouTube as well. If you Google my name, you will see me everywhere. It is very easy to know who I am or who I am not. Google also lets you backward search iamges. You can drag and drop photos into Google search to figure out where they come from. I'm JOEYARNOLDVN. You have good advice. Thanks for the advice. Better safe than sorry. I'm also the ORIGINAL OATMEAL.