Follow for Follow? upvote for upvote? not so sure...

in #follow7 years ago


I was thinking about this annoying thing that is happening, at least to me. I try to promote my posts, just the ones i put lot of time in, not everyone. The thing that i find annoying is that i get so many people replying upvoted ando followed, please do the same. if their posts are good im happy to upvote an i want to follow... But the sad truth is that most of them are just crap and i don't want to support steemit becoming a full of shit social media.
Of course I want followers, thousens of followers, i want to get a lot of upvotes when i spend hours on a post! please upvote me and follow me!!! but if you expect me to do the same know that im gonna do it if i think your posts have something good...
So, i was thinking about this and how to do a post about it that is not deadly boring and my first thought was "I need at least an image".
After a few minutes brainstorming by myself i started photoshopping one of my drawing and i got to that first image.
Here im gonna share the steps without any explanation. just the images.


separated from the background

new background generated

Some shadowing and adding a little depth

Shades and text (the final one)

This took me about 40 minutes... if someone like something similar with some drawing i will be happy to do it for a few steem :P

NOW UPVOTE ME AND FOLLOW ME!!!!! hahahhah just kidding, but not...
have a nice day!




I see that messages a lot, it has gotten to a point they are becoming irritating. I can't just follow everybody and dig through a lot of junks before I see any real content on my feed.

And upvote for upvote? really? we might as well negotiate the worth of upvotes we are exchanging.

This kind of post is important so a lot of newcomers don't think it is the right thing to do or a norm here.

And that is a wonderful work of art...

Thanks! 🙃
I think people doing upvote for upvote are not gonna get to much reword here... the may get 100 0.01 upvotes

Exactly...I rather spend the time and effort spent on doing that on producing good comments and posts that will likely get me a better upvotes without asking.

That's a great image, @lavidaesunviaje! Good job! Anyway, I try to just ignore all the comments from people who want follow4follow or to trade upvotes. They are generally not even worth checking out. My opinion is that if they didn't bother to write a real comment, why would I spend my time to check out their content? I'm much more inclined to upvote and follow users who make good comments and who do not beg for it.

You get it bro!
i do the same... like now... i'm gonna check your posts just because you really put at least a little brain and time on this comment... :)

I really dig the art. I'd give you a follow, but I'm trying to keep my feed to a minimum. This is largely because I typically write about geological topics. I'm trying to get another account started for more leisure. I'll be sure to give you a follow then. :)

i just checked your posts and saw your doing pretty well!!! congrats!
i'm gonna follow you also because i think your posting quality and interesting stuff.
thinking about what i'm gonna post next... i wish i had a main subject for my blog :/

@lavidaesunviaje Lucian, I don't know if you remember me. We met at Del Lago when I was volunteering. You left and I moved into your room behind the bar! It's nice to see you on Steemit. I hope you've been doing well. Big love. Sarah 💛

Yes! of course I remember you!
yoga-cat video!
how are you doing? where are you at?

i'm here at the hostel again managing until may :)
im gonna check your posts and follow you!
good to find you you know Bryan, the hostel owner, hes who introduced me on steemit... his username is " @buttcoins "

I'm doing well! I'm back in Australia for the moment but I will be travelling again this year. I just followed Bryan, so great to see him on the platform too! How are you enjoying Del Lago? One day I'll go back to that place!

Ha ha this made me laugh... for that you get an upvote, but not a follow! Oh wait, I'm already following you so that's cool ;-)

hahha! thanks bro!
I feel im starting to have my good "friends" circle here... :)
is not easy to find good posters to follow and chat with...

What I believe if you provide value in your posts, you will get more followers and upvote eventually. It might take time. We are all here for the long term.

The hard life of being a Steemer =)

Yeah in the beginning it feels like that’s all there is.
..I’m not sure why I barely encounter it anymore. Stick it out and find users you like!

Thanks! I’m working on that! I loved your “revive dead posts” post, are you doing that often?

Upvoted and Followed - Now follow me right back ;D hehehee

Thanks! I’ll check yours! :)

:) I was just joking! I haven't posted anything recently but will keep a look out for more stuff from you.

I knew you were joking but I think I found something interesting in your old post because I’m following you! 🙂

Good post, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste :D greetings

Thanks! I’ll check yours! :)

I dare follow you and upvote your post ;-) which I've read carefully and find some recognition in. I - like you - spend hours in making each post as good and presentable as possible for the Steemit-community. What disappoints me most, is that some posts seem to make followers (that's good!), but not so many votes. Another thing that frustrates me a little, is that few users seem to bother to reply to my comments on their posts. Which makes it hard to build relations. Well, I am quite new to the community so I still have much to learn, and I think I have to be more patient. Hopefully, you @lavidaesunviaje will read (and reply to) this comment. By the way, cool images! Best, from @kristihh

I know, it takes a lot of time to find good stuff and people that really put their soul here...

Alright I'll just press the unfollow button 😛 JK
See you can do cool stuff with your own drawings 😁

yep... i worked 2 years on tv advertisement doing after effects, video edition, and some photoshop and illustrator... :)

I do agree with your point.

You know, I've been having that moral conflict for a while now because where I come from, things are extreeemely hard; the minimum wage is not enough to buy enough food for one week, that is, if you even FIND the food you want/need. So when I come across posts by people from my country (Venezuela) I always get this uncomfortable feeling that I should be helping, no matter what the content is, because most of the venezuelans in here are relying on the earnings from Steemit to be able to get through the day; it is a hard decision. However, as I said previously, I agree that we can't start supporting just any type of content because the ground in which we hope to keep building this platform must be the best we can make it.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, sometimes, it's harder than it seems, yet we still must try to keep our upvotes as honest as possible because that's the whole reason Steemit works as well as it has in the first place.

Your illustration is very good, also, it's great to come across talented people such as yourself all the time in this platform. Keep it up!

En fin! Mucho éxito para ti!Gracias @tripicana entiendo tu punto o probablemente sería buena idea darle tu voto a la gente de Venezuela pero comentar que si quieren seguir recibiendo tu voto y el de más gente deben poner algún contenido en sus posts...

Sí, es que también entra en ese tema de la gente que lo pide en general.

Gracias, igualmente!

A lot of people are doing those things. And I don't know how is that helping them. I never follow them and never visit their profile. I think most the hard working users are doing the same thing.

Personally most of the times I don’t even bother to check their posts... is different if they at least write a message with their link other than upvote4upvote

vry cul drwing. Yu see mi rep is 58, I am gud Upvte and fllow me plz!
Just kidding. I apologize for the first part, I just thought it might be funny to do that since your post was about this. I know, I know, "Real Original Kryzsec" but hey it has gotten you reading this far. Anyways I think that 1) the photo is really cool and 2) I want to steal your idea where I can post an image in response to them is like that (I won't use yours though)

It is a really cool image!

That’s a good idea!!! I haven’t though on replying to this comments with the image... haha
Maybe I starts doing it...
and your first line , at first made me think “where the hell this guy is from” and after made me laugh! Keep the humor!

Keep up the cool artwork! I will have to come check yo out sometime and look at other stuff on your profile!

Thanks, I think may not be the best but im like this in my whole life so i don't focus in one kind of post... i do posts about a bunch of different stuff... i hope you like others that are not so much art related... :)