Sunflower is a very popular flower because of its beauty, all the people like sunflower not only women only men are very fond of this flower, because the typical shape is large and has a bright yellow color. This flower has a unique behavior that the flowers are always facing the sun in accordance with its name.
Not only Indonesian people who love a lot of sunflower overseas even likes this flower even some of the Americans cultivate sunflowers to take benefits especially oil from sunflower, besides seeds from sunflower can also be used that can be consumed as a snack after processed .
Apparently the seeds of the sunflower not only used as ingredients of consumption but also for the health of the body are:
A. Maintain the growth of the brain because it contains protein.
B. Can reduce levels of diabetes can help reduce blood sugar levels.
C. It protects the nerves.
D. Reduce the risk of cancer and can keep skin healthy for women of course this is very interesting to try.
The characteristics of sunflower plants:
A. Stem upright green and can grow tall can reach 1-3 meters
B. The stems are rough and sparsely branched.
C. The leaves are wide
The characteristics of sunflower:
A. The flowers are large
B. The leaves of the flowers are compounded
C. The number of leaves can reach thousands of flowers.
D. The color of the flowers is bright yellow.
E. There are seeds inside.
The use of sunflower, especially as oil and very suitable for frying, thicken a food, because oil from sunflower also have benefit for body health.
If we want to cultivate sunflower is quite easy and does not need to spend much capital following how:
A. Simply planted in the home yard in pots, in plastic pots or directly on the ground.
B. Should be in place of enough sun rays.
C. Watered regularly and given fertilizer to flourish and quickly flowering.
Sunflower plants can not grow in areas that are inundated because the roots will rot.
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