
Because people abuse the system. I looked at some of her stuff and she like post a picture of a cat and makes five bucks using bots. If it was really that simple we'd all be doing that so that's why they come down hard on people who do it. I mean really....think about it, I have a dog and two cats, if I ran around the house all day taking various shots and posting one here then get a bot to up vote it I mean I'd be telling all my friends how easy it was to make five bucks, I'd have people climbing out the woodwork asking me to show them how easy it was. I don't know how many times a day/week she was doing it or how much each one was worth overall. Somehow you seem to have stayed under their radar, maybe you should give her some hints.

She did sponsor a contest though.
Bots are not that easy to use. I can understand maybe a little flagging but usually people with that much Steem power are investors.
I try and be very careful but it would be nice if there was less censorship on Steemit. I think I'm a pretty good Steemian and I might even average over 10,000 posts/comments a year but at any given day I could have my account completely shut down for good. :(

I know that. That's why I started following you. I get the biggest kick out of how you "slither" (cause that's what they'd (big boys)would call it in reality) around unnoticed....I mean just look at how you wrote this article, you gave people enough info just to know who you were talking about without calling them down upon yourself. I've seen you skate back over here real fast after bringing attention to yourself from upon one of them, then write something about your escape. It's all in character, it's not like you stayed where ever, got in deeper, called them names then came back to write something totally nasty with @ whoever attached. You wade out just enough to get your toes wet then come back in to dry them off. It's hilarious to watch.

#skills lol
It's almost like I'm always being hunted on here. Every single day I could lose my account. lol
I think I've made more calculations on here than a rocket scientist does at his job and mine are not cut and dry like a rocket scientist.

 6 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

The cloud thing is a exception not a rule to the stuff I do myself. I don't upvote or have bots upvote it or do it several times a week. The reason I don't is because I see accounts like your friends getting the crap kicked out of them eventually. Nothing wrong with a occasional short post in my opinion, it would be great if we could just do that and make money. I'd be rich my now for the short time I've been on here. I don't make the rules though. I don't enforce them either. With that said can I ask you do you consider it fair that if someone who isn't afraid like me to be breaking the rules can freely break them without consequence and make money faster? I have all sorts of stuff I can write about but I am not doing so right now until I get enough power to make it worth my effort. In other words I am not giving out my best stuff for near to nothing or nothing at all but on the other hand I am not going to get myself thrown off the platform so I can try and get there faster. I am just stating a honest opinion of what I have seen others go through trying to skim to the top, I am not God or anybody else of noble stature, just someone who would expect the same happening to me as her if I tried what she tried on a on going basis, that's why I don't do it.

 6 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

I am not the one making the rules, nor do I enforce them, even if I had enough power to enforce rules I wouldn't consider it my job to be doing so, no one pays me to take a chance getting in flag wars. With that said it doesn't or shouldn't stop me from giving a opinion, just like you did. That's all I did was state a opinion, that doesn't hurt anybodies account.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment