The Greatest Trick Devil ever pulled?

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

Flat Earth??, How does it effect me, Why?

So I've been a scientific atheist for 30+ years of my life, I was born into it. My parents were very logical, my father was a trained diesel mechanic and was very logical and good at problem solving. Mum is a academic in geochemistry , environmental chemistry, even marine biology, the list of her achievements are long. So I was raised with a assumed knowledge about our place in the universe and a assumption that the facts presented were unbiased findings from scientific minds unpersuaded bye fallacy's, with findings founded on solid evidence derived from repeatable experiments as with majority of scientific disciplines.

So confronting my mother with some of this stuff, she did not wish to hear one word. "Of course we landed on the moon!", "Why would they lie?", so its clearly pretty hard for people to confront the fact they have been lied too, not just about the shape of our reality but the real purpose of our being. If I'm not evolved from pond-scum deposited on this rock 10,000,000,000 years ago and a chance perfect interaction of whatever resulted in me!

If that didn't happen? well what the hell did?, what am I? Where am I?

Well we don't know, and this great deception is pulling us backwards, looking into it is pretty clear to see this great globe bs only started in earnest 100-150 years ago. It has no scientific grounding and has been perpetrated through manipulation of educational community's. Its setting humankind back, and its really hurting our understanding of our reality. Inst that why we are all here?, we get lost trying to perpetuate the slave stock system and lose ourselves. Yet every time someone burgeons on understanding, there mind reels at the thought of being lied to on a great scale, and they turn defensive very agressively-defensive infact so instilled is the brainwashing. If your reading this with no understanding of the flat earth theory I emplore you to look into it, humour the idea. Try to disprove it!, that is how every flat earther started i guarantee you, because we once were like you, laughing at the concept! Its hard to laugh at the concept now, but fun to laugh at nasa :-).

I didn't want to be a flatearther, and I still dont! But i cant go back, take the red pill and join me(dont do drugs)!

Read up and help bring about a change, before this dark-century turns into a dark-millennium. I am not a religious person and don't prescribe to any one faith but am finding researching them very fascinating.

Thanks, @twigg


Cracker of a post man! Well laid out and nice writing! I have looked into this and I got scared that if I looked deeper I would have to relearn EVERYTHING! Ignorance is bliss baby!

hey mate, Thanks that really means alot!...Yep, I can completely understand that stance! Thanks for reading! :-)

With other conspiracies, I can see a reason to it. JFK assassination could have been some coup. Maybe he had info on crimes being committed by powerful people. 9/11 I can see that too, wanting to create a war in the middle east for the resources and to protect Israel. What point is there to make this grand scheme to lie about the shape of the Earth? Think of the massive human and financial capital involved to keep this a secret. What would be the point? My personal opinion on this subject is that it is some sort of CIA disinformation program to discredit legitimate conspiracies. If 9/11 was an inside job then just flood the comment section and suggested videos to be flat Earth stuff and it instantly discredits any legitimate questions about 9/11. Do people actually believe that the world is flat? Just look at the map they show. In order to fly from Buenos Aires to Sydney, you would fly over New York, over the north pole, over Japan and then to Sydney.

well the lie is seeded, 99% of people perpetuating this lie have no idea they are doing so....myself included i was and am still brainwashed twords a heliocentric model...all evidence through observation and repeatable experiments points twords a geocentric model...ya that plane making that flight(those southern hemisphere to southern hemisphere are very rare and often have anomalys as you say, and are very rarely direct) uses a PURELY mechanical gyroscope, to travel and land on the same orientation half way round the "globe"........

as for it detracting attention from government manipulation, i see it as the opposite...who cares if the earth is flat, they blew up my stuff....i have no doubt about all these deciects you list, and agree completely ....the deception is complete

sure we know. for decades we have satelites, and photos,made by them. and we are not 4 years old any more, to think that the Earth is flat.

I must be four to think the world is flat ...Im so stupid....sorry to waste your time........thanks for the comment and if i show you a picture of bigfoot ill make sure it was captured bye a satilite to assure you of authenticity......

a satilite hasnt really ever taken any photos of earth...this fact is almost admitted bye nasa...i think orion might done the video of the backside of the moon when it passes infront of earth from 1 million miles away
..go take a look...

@twigg got you a $1.23 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@twigg got you a $1.23 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

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