Flight Times Debunk the Flat Earth Hypothesis

in #flatearth8 years ago (edited)

Flat Earth is an Easily Debunkable Hypothesis for Many Reasons Including Flight Times

This flat Earth hypothesis is so easy to debunk it actually hurts me to have to write this article, but I plan to use this information tonight and I want a link to be able to reference.

So if you go through the flat Earth "researchers" their basic model of the Earth is what is called the Azimuthal Equidistant Projection. According to the UN this is the basis for their flag which has further lead the FE conspiritards to think what they do.

Here is an image of the most agreed upon model for the Flat Earth hypothesis:

Now let's examine some actual flight times and how impossible they would be on this above map.

Comparison Number 1:

  • LATAM Airlines Flight 801 from Santiago, Chile to Auckland, New Zealand, flight time: 12 hours, 40 Mins.

  • Air New Zealand Flight 5 from Los Angeles, USA to Auckland, NZ, Flight time: 12 Hours 50 mins.

The distance from Santiago Chile even in a straight line, is almost twice the distance than from Los Angeles to Auckland NZ on the Flat Earth map yet inexplicably for this model the flight time is shorter. This makes these two flight times perfect examples of how the Earth is obviously a sphere because you can fly from Santiago Chile to New Zealand quicker than you can fly there from Los Angeles, this is because the Earth is a sphere.

Comparison Number 2:

  • Royal Air Morocco Flight 214, Sao Paulo Brazil to Casablanca, Morocco, Flight Time: 8 hrs 55 mins.

  • LATAM Airlines Brazil Flight 8162, Johannesburg SA to Sao Paulo BR. Flight time: 9 hours 20 mins.

According to the FE model Casablanca should be significantly closer to Sao Paulo than Johannesburg South Africa, but because the world is a sphere, when you use the spherical model, they are about the same distance. Hence the flight times only being 30 min difference, but if you were using the FE model for reality then the difference would be roughly 30% shorter based on this model. So clearly once again we can see the spherical model is what best describes our reality especially when taking into consideration flight times, and the fact that many flights do go around the bottom of the globe, such as flights from South America to Africa or to Australia or New Zealand.

Antarctica Flight Tours No Comparison Required

If you go to http://www.antarcticaflights.com.au/ you can book a flight for as little as $1,199 and you can fly over Antarctica yourself including viewing the South Magnetic Pole. Thus there is no ice wall, and there is plenty of evidence to suggest Antarctica is a continent not the edge of the Earth as the FE hypothesis so depends on.

Where the Antarctica Flights go, is over the South Pole:

There are many but here is one video of the flight actually taking place, you can find more if you want:

Okay, so these completely independently verifiable flights and flight times completely 100% debunk the Flat Earth Hypothesis because the only planetary models that this information fits with is a spherical model of the Earth. If there is no edge, and anyone can fly over South Magnetic Pole for as little as $1,199 then anyone can cure their flat Earth psychosis for $1,199 which is far cheaper than years of therapy. Enough is enough with this bogus conspiracy, if any of these FE YouTubers had even an ounce of credibility they would have taken this Antarctica flight already, most of them have made careers out of pushing nonsense when they can be debunked with a simple internet search.

If you still think I am wrong or think I am right, well guess the fun continues tonight. I have a debate on this subject tonight on Qallout at roughly 11:30 PM EST. Tune in live at this link: https://www.qallout.com/debate/3056-titus-frost-has-done-no-research-on-flat-earth/

Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

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Funny thing about the flat earth map. It's actually an azimuthal projection map which is literally a globe earth that has flattened out for navigating purposes. Meaning that it can be done at any point of the earth. so based on where your center point is you could be surrounded by a Great Wall of Compton rather than Antarctica lol



Lolz, that is a funny point, good one.

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In actual fact, Copernicus did exactly the opposite....

Wow, how can I not have come across you on steemit until now!
I should have been sending all the flat-earthers who have been spamming my posts to you since the beginning ^^

It's also funny how all global shipping seems to work very well on time when they rely on nautical miles^^ but surely they are also incentivised to waste some extra time to keep a conspiracy alive! :D

It's tiresome to work for a Space Agency with the use of satellite imagery and applications every day, and then be told by some internet mobs here that what I do is fake and that satellites don't exist (even though I use them every day!) so keep it up.

Great work dude, following you for more and hoping we can engage more on the platform and raise the level of sanity here together:)

Thanks for the comment.

I would love to have you take a look at some of the analysis I have done with regards to Military Space Programs and have you give me a expert analysis of where I got things correct and incorrect. Check my blog for the "Space" posts, like @An0nkn0wledge and I went through in a recent #STWT show the "Secret Space Program" information which is based on declassified documents such as Project Horizon. Let me know what you think? Thanks for the follow.

The debate I had last night was so frustrating I cannot even explain. Guy made so many moronic statements I can't even, he said Satellites are fake in a debate online. He said you can't film the ISS with a telescope because it is 240 miles away lolz, I cannot even begin to describe the lunacy I have to deal with online.

While the FE's repeat the same debunked talking points over and over again, the private sector is getting more and more into space, and the US Military is creating the Air Force Space Corps, an air force version of the US Marines except for space missions. Their complete ignorance and lack of knowledge is astounding.

Thanks for posting this. I gave up trying to help believers of a flat Earth. One can disprove the idea with the movement of the moon, sun, & stars.

Yeah exactly, it is quite an easy hypothesis to debunk with standard observations.

I don't know why you bother with this foolishness... You would have to be brain-dead to buy into nonsense!!!

Yeah but a lot of good people actually belive this nonsense because they trust these online personalities to tell them the truth, and they have been lead astray, so I am attempting to pull some of them back from the "edge".

I wish you well. I watched one video just out of curiosity and the guy made a pretty compelling argument... ludicrous but compelling!

Yes, this flat earth nonsense is extremely psychologically and pseudoscientifically compelling enough for those unable or unwilling to check the half-truths and illogical thought processes they present.

It's really an incredibly sociologic experiment on what happens when the educational system has dumbed down everyone, but has made them feel special. I honestly think these guys actually believe that watching a YouTube video that says Newton's theories have been debunked make them feel smarter than Newton, despite the fact they haven't taken 2 minutes to investigate anything about it.

These people seem to believe they have discovered something that a thousand years of science has either overlooked or hidden... and that they are the 1% of the 1% of the smartest people to have ever lived.

It's actually quite horrifying to watch the contortions of logic, reason, and science these people do to justify their bizarre position.

While these whackjobs are telling everyone that the earth doesn't spin, science has invented microprocessors that are printed onto circuit boards that measure the Coriolis force, and install them into cars to prevent rollovers, and they are even in gaming controllers for more realistic gaming.

Yeah, that's how scientifically illiterate these guys are. They say that they can't 'feel' the earth moving, so therefore they've scientifically proven it with 'real science', while the rollover prevention in cars based on the force they deny exists is 'scientism'!

It's quite frightening, actually.

You need to put that all in a post!!! Well done! I watched one of the YT videos and have to say the guy made a compelling argument- it was well put together (totally false, but well put together!)

You should read my post yesterday about education, by the way- there's a lot of what you said in it!

Good one. I haven't bothered to wade into this flat earth debate, waste of my time and energy. Even the ancient Maya civilization in Mexico independently and before European contact, figured out the solar system and that the earth is a sphere-not a bloody pie dish.

Yeah exactly, but some people in the age of the internet are the most ignorant people in existence.

Great debunking. Nice one pal.

It's mad to think that this should even need to be debunked in the first place.

It was debunked a long time ago by Eratosthenes but due to the age of the internet and these online personalities creating ridiculous conspiracy theories that play on people's faith and emotion while providing no verifiable evidence this nonsense FE thing of course took off. Thanks for commenting.

you ignore completely the fact that all this government agencies like nasa are constantly showing to the population with mass media, movies and educational system false images of earth and planets and satellites in space, all cgi, and false footstage of astronauts doing stupid things on supposed iss? why they are so false? you can see sings of composed images. why they do this? is all about cheat and scam population with this false science, and you even research a little, you only stick in this map thing, there are many opinions about it,there are no flat earthers 100 % in any model, but is sure we are not in a spinning ball traveling in a infinity universe, that sound crazy, but they made this heliocentric model with the intention of control the population, to keep the humanity disconnect from reality, just think about it, they are the same that put flouride to water, that made GMO food, they made H.a.r.p, chemtrails, geo engineering , wars, .this little group of people that have the 90 % of resources of the world and manage all the information, they can cheat all the population, they have this kind of power. Just think for yourself. Peace

Wow, I can't even COUNT the number of fallacies you proposed in this one post. It's MINDBOGGLING how dumbed down the educational system has made people.

A. LEARN GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION. You are trying to tell us you are smarter than Tesla and Einstein, but you can't even use a period?

B. What is HELL does NASA, fake or real, have to do with the shape of the earth? You have to be a mental midget not to realize that people have been proving the earth was a spinning ball for thousands of years before NASA, right? Holy shit. Please stop the entirely retarded non-sequiturs.

C. "you only stick in this map thing, there are many opinions about it,there are no flat earthers 100 % in any model,"

Yes, they do. They think the earth is FLAT. That they have no model, and not even a MAP means that they could not have even done due diligence to see if such a model was POSSIBLE. You literally are saying that you reject a model because it's impossible, but have adopted a model that is provably impossible! That you cannot see the inherent retardation in this is baffling.

D. " but is sure we are not in a spinning ball traveling in a infinity universe, "

Assertions without evidence are all you have. Also, appeals to incredulity are fallacies, and not evidence. Please stop making them.

E. "but they made this heliocentric model with the intention of control the population, to keep the humanity disconnect from reality"

Assertions without evidence are not arguments, but are fallacies that are more evidence of mental incapacity than the shape of the earth.

F. " Just think for yourself". Repeating YOutube nonsense is not thinking for yourself simply because you are not repeating other things.

G. You did not provide ONE SHRED of evidence, in all that missive, that a flat earth model is even remotely POSSIBLE, let alone evidence to support it.

That is why no one takes you nutjobs seriously.

first, i don't speak in english, i am from Argentina and learned english by myself, so, sorry about grammatical errors, is because of that..
this history about Eratosthenes and the shape of earth is very stupid, people think about flat earth for thousands of years, many ancient civilisations believe in some form of flat earth,
about the year 1460 secret societies put this globe model in the science mainstream of that time and start to indoctrinate all the population. Nasa is part of it, is part of freemasonery, all the astronauts are mason, that is fact and you can google it, Newton was mason, Eisenstein mason, men, all this heliocentric pseudoscience is pure mindcontrol mason shit, you can research it, but maybe you don't because you are so indoctrinated that think you are the master of truth or something and insult me or anyone that think different or point some data you simply deny.
iam for sure not in a spinning ball becouse i don't feel any move, and don't see any curvature in any altitud or any distance, and supposed gravity don't make sanse becouse how this magical indetectable force keep we all, and atmospher and ocean stiked to the ground and win over the cetrifugal force of the high speed rotation of the earth plus the super high speed of earth going around the sun? this not make any sanse, how you can feel this supposed gravity so weak that you can jump and stand and birds can fly, but is so strong to steak air and oceans to earth? that are the simplies evidence i have to expose, but i have many more, is very obvious for my sense that the earth is very quit and don't move at all.. so..cfbd92dc3856f09671249ebc77faa6ba--flat-earth-common-sense.jpg5b5442d4342099060d2c1a6a68857eb3--flat-earth-conspiracy-theories.jpg6f3cd5cb7a3a26c7dbd6a364b6b41dcf--flat-earth-proof-globe-earth.jpg85260310.jpgbluegargoyle-flat-earth-controversy.jpgcurving-water.jpgfe-sunlight-rays.jpg
SO you think i am mental disabled? that only show you are very disrespectful with people you even know, your insults are only proof of your superiority sense of reality, you maybe think are smarter than any flat earther, that is very shame, there are many engineers and scientific people that are whiten books and researching thing and saying the earth is not a globe, you only believe in your indoctrinated culture and you lean in the most accepted official thinking and that make you think you can insult people??
Heliocentric model is very coordinated master plan to keep people far away the reality, this theory, taught like the ultimate truth, that is only saying you that your sense are wrong all the time, you see flat horizon but is not, you feel no movement in earth but is moving, all the common sense is destroyed in your mind from childhood to put you in this fantasy, with no god, with no propose in life, all accidental, all magical inexplicable caos force is that create all the bast infinite planets, you are not especial in anyway and all this things that came whit this misconception of the reality, this is the same that evolutionist is doing, presenting you human life like some sort of accidental miracle of the infinite possibilities in non-sense caos of mutating animals??, very convenient for this powerpeople who have the total control of media and educational systems...

Flat-Earth-Meme-27-1.jpg??Flat-Earth-Meme-1.jpgFlat-Earth-Meme-0-1.jpgCwTIWq6WEAAiOJW.jpgCqwiKVPXEAA2see.jpg9a4b8ba53bda5fc0631840e183c19989--flat-earth-bob-s.jpgflat-earth-meme-29-16.jpglunarlanding.jpgFlat-Earth-Memes-227-8.jpgflat-earth-memes-396-1.jpg think for your self, i say it because it looks like @titusfrost is only repeating the official speak and not researching and taken the time to think things again, this is all about think for yourself and try to go beyond all that we receive from very early age from a very little group of power people that control all the educational system, and movies, and books, they have resource to do that, and you trust in them

But why?

why they do this? is all about cheat and scam population with this false science

Why go to such extremes, why create false science to scam the population? I assume you choose not to ignore the science that created the phone or PC / MAC that you use to access the Internet? How can you choose which science to ignore?

Why? Aside from all the fallacies that @kerriknox points out I always come around to - why and what would be the purpose of this elaborate, massive coordinated conspericy? I have yet to hear an answer.

becouse this

Heliocentric model is very coordinated master plan to keep people far away the reality, this theory, taught like the ultimate truth, that is only saying you that your sense are wrong all the time, you see flat horizon but is not, you feel no movement in earth but is moving, all the common sense is destroyed in your mind from childhood to put you in this fantasy, with no god, with no propose in life, all accidental, all magical inexplicable caos force is that create all the bast infinite planets, you are not especial in anyway and all this things that came whit this misconception of the reality, this is the same that evolutionist is doing, presenting you human life like some sort of accidental miracle of the infinite possibilities in non-sense caos of mutating animals??, very convenient for this powerpeople who have the total control of media and educational systems...

scratching head - "Because" - again why, to what end? Let me continue on your meme; no cars, no aeroplanes, no boats, no medicine, no electricity, no fuel, no food, no TV, no computer, no Internet, no cell phone, no .... just no...nothing... if you follow your doctrine, then all must be sinister and a part of this really well-orchestrated conspiracy to have us all bamboozled
into accepting modern science. So you accept some types of science but not other types of science? There is not one without the other.

Oh, by the way, the "memes" that flat-eathers are all so fond of using, no memes, the word was coined by a scientist (before the internet) -

The word meme was coined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene, as an attempt to explain the way cultural information spreads. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_meme

Question is still out there.... memes aside. Why?

bro, to keep you thinking about you are nonsense flouting in space, to make you more easly controlable, to keep their power with them, to people live in caos and nonsense, to no connect with nature, to feel like nothing special thing in the infinite universe, this make you think your life is not important, so, you are easy to dominate.. I don't know how to say it, is very obvious for me, sorry if you can't understand, there are many people who explain this very well on youtube, if you take some time to research, you will find many answers for your question. Peace

Wow, 'to make you more controllable'? Wow! That was the most nonsensical half-brained mental illness rant I've ever heard! There is literally zero logical sense in all of that. Lot of things are obvious to those with a mental illness, but for the rest of us, those things are at best unsupported claims, at worst hallucinations and delusions.

No one needs NASA to disprove a flat earth and provide strong evidence of a sphere earth. You can prove NASA lies and it does not provide ONE SHRED of evidence as to the shape of the earth. That is a nonsensical argument.

I could just as easily speculate that NASA lies to see how many stupid people will believe in a flat earth. That is not an argument, except to pull in gullible idiots who think such an argument sounds good.

And your comments that make dozens of arguments at once are intellectual dishonest shill tactics. Anyone who wants to actually have an intellectual conversation doesn't bring up dozens of topics at once that no one can spend hours rebutting.

You people are intellectually dishonest and have no real arguments except to incredulity.

intellectually dishonest?? maybe you are intellectually lazy? what about put all thats concepts on the table? you have a steemit acount to support the official model, the same all we learned in school, you are promoting the same data that is provide to us by mass media, and i am the dishonest.?? you keep insulting me, it's only make you looks worst, with angry and negative ways of thinking, chill out bro, we are all brothers in this earth, we just want to know the truth..
I can't show you any picture of the shape of earth, becouse nobady can go out to do it, i can say that all thats images from space are cleary fake, and that is a good point to start to think about.
Earth is not a ball

Your post just said nothing at all except a diatribe of logical fallacies, repeating YouTube video nonsense, psychological deceit, and unsupported statements that are just plain wrong and easy to debunk, just like all flat earthers.

Flat earthers have no map, no model, and will not discuss the literally dozens of impossibilities in their model, except to deny them then declare victory.

Flat earthers say they want 'real science', but they do not even have a model that they could have come to the conclusion that their model is even possible. You seem to believe that no model that overcomes the dozens of impossibilities inherent in your model is necessary. But that is an unscientific nonsense.

It states that you have boiled down all of the possibilities of earth shapes into two, and if you provide enough incredulity of the 'other' model, then yours 'wins' by default. No scientific method or proof needed!

Wuhoo! If only everything worked that way, we could have whatever 'science' we want, so long as we are charismatic enough to convince people our nonsense is real!

It does not work that way. That is intellectual laziness. it's unscientific mumbo jumbo and why no one takes any of you seriously. It says you NEVER have to prove anything. YOu think there is a conspiracy against you, that scientists want to shut you up. But you are a laughing stock because ANYONE who has looked into this with any amount of critical thinking skills can see that your model has been falsified and debunked over and over, literally since prior to the ridiculous Bedford Level experiment that Rowbotham lost.

To reject a model that you claim is impossible only to adopt one that you didn't bother to take two minutes to look into is lazy, dishonest, and is an example of the dumbing down of the world. You have zero understanding of science, despite professing you do, and the dishonesty and denial in this group of cultists is astouding!

Until you can show me the model that you AGONIZED over for years in order to ensure that the new model you adopted did not have the same impossibilities you claim the globe model has, then I consider you utterly and completely irrational and unscientific.

So, until such a time that you have a proven model we can all study and MARVEL over that it overturned a 1000 years of scientific inquiry that we all missed, please take your unscientific logical fallacies and invented myths elsewhere, it is not wanted here.

Since you have overturned 1000 years of science just by watching a YouTube video and shining a laser across a lake in the same falsified experiment that lost Rowbotham his bet over 100 years ago, why don't you go petition for your Nobel Prize instead of putting spam comments to promote your cult on people's works on Steemit. You are a ridiculous laughing stock with an impossible model that only a mental midget would adopt.

I kind of like the theory of the flat earth, It makes life interisting hey, I checked a few videos on it and its frikkin interisting!!!

good going sir

please pleases upvote back thank you sir

Congratulations, you have won the daily @OriginalWorks resteem contest.

you have more proff to expose the truth.

You sound annoyed lolsss
Have fun on tv!

It is on Qallout, not TV, but thank you very much.

Aren't they the same? Have you seen "unacknowledged"? i think that was what it's called.

Your write up is impressive. Followed @titusfrost

Man that's a lot of info. Great job putting it together. I would have just let them keep believing whatever lol.

what an experience that would have been simply outstanding

very interesting...


well, if you are going to try to disprove of the FE then this disinformation isnt your best bet.
only the sleepiest of the sleepiest buy in to this article.
completely unable to compare both models and think for themselves.
your spoonfeading sheople a bunch of garbage,
0 flat earthers believe any map to be factual...
you are debunking claimes 0 flat earthers even believe.
instead of this gargbage, how about a repeatable experiment according to the scientiffic method, and proof we are living on a pearrock water ball shooting in a endless vaccuum of masonic lies..
that cant be confirmed with common sense and use of own senses.
nasa pictures unfortunately will not do as they admit they are ALL cgi photoshop cartoons...
the moonlandings are faked and if people cant see that earth pictures are faked aswell.. then i pity them

well, if you are going to try to disprove of the FE then this disinformation isnt your best bet.

You have not debunked a single piece of evidence I presented in my entire article.

only the sleepiest of the sleepiest buy in to this article.
completely unable to compare both models and think for themselves.

This is defined as ad hominem, a logical fallacy go look it up.

0 flat earthers believe any map to be factual...
you are debunking claimes 0 flat earthers even believe.

No, the model shown the azimuthal equidistant projection map is the most agreed to model for the "flat Earth hypothesis", and you have to present a model for your argument. Furthermore, I don't care what flat Earth model you come up with these flight times are impossible on any flat Earth map. I am also debunking the flat Earth model, so therefore I am debunking exactly what flat Earther's wrongfully believe.

instead of this gargbage, how about a repeatable experiment according to the scientiffic method, and proof we are living on a pearrock water ball shooting in a endless vaccuum of masonic lies..
that cant be confirmed with common sense and use of own senses.
nasa pictures unfortunately will not do as they admit they are ALL cgi photoshop cartoons...
the moonlandings are faked and if people cant see that earth pictures are faked aswell.. then i pity them

You cannot debunk any of the evidence I have presented here, so you change the goal post and dodge the evidence already presented. You can repeat these observations using other flight times, and you can go take the Antarctica flight tour and travel directly over the South Pole yourself as pointed out in the article thus allowing anyone to see the world is spherical. NASA and Freemasons have nothing to do with it, the Earth is spherical due to the FACT that based on scientific observation you can prove it.

The photoshops are replicas of a real one taken from a distance we don't travel out to anymore. And of course you're going to say the "original" is a fake too, but you've still gotten the facts about what NASA "admits" completely wrong, and are either telling blatant fibs or not bothering to do the most basic research, so who should ever trust you to talk about "disinformation"?

"completely unable to compare both models and think for themselves"

You have a model to compare with the globe model? I've been asking flat earther for this model for a very long time and none will provide one for me to compare the models. Since you JUST CLAIMED to have a model, can you please prove this claim and provide it?

PS. It literally takes zero effort to debunk the flat earth. It is impossible in dozens and dozens of provable ways. Your ONLY weapon is incredulity. The rest is lies, denying reality, and an inability to do math.


Flights from Sydney to Santiago do not go closer than a few hundred kilometres of the antarctic ice wall. They definitely do not fly close to the southern "pole"

The flights are dooable. There is a long discussion regarding Max Igan's verified flight from Sydney to Santiago vs wind speeds close to Antarctica. There is actually a return wind that runs in the opposite direction at higher latitude. So your post is by no means a debunking of flat earth.

In fact there are so many darn proofs for flat earth, that i would like to see the Globlings give up on their NASA fanboy fantasy.

Lolz, the Antarctica flight tours that you can take for $1,299, fly DIRECTLY over the South Pole.

Show me one image of your ice wall?

No need for ANYTHING from NASA to disprove flat earth and provide strong evidence of a globe earth. The fact that you have to bring ANOTHER conspiracy into it, one that is a complete non-sequitur, is evidence that you don't really have any evidence for flat earth. Incredulity of another model, after having ignored the evidence for it because YouTube videos say there is no evidence, well that is not how science actually works.

In science, you can't arbitrarily reduce the possibilities down to two without going through and disproving every other one that might come up. Even then, more possibilities that you might not thought of may turn up. But flat earthers have, for some reason, decided that the shape of the earth is like a game of dirty pool. If you can beat the other guy, through any means possible, then you win!

Sorry, but 'real science' as you guys like to say, does not work that way, and the flat earth 'idea' has dozens upon dozens of impossibilities that flat earthers will laugh off and say, "SHOW ME THE CURVATURE!!!", despite the fact that it's IRRELEVANT what evidence there is of someone else's model to prove or disprove your own.

Without a model to have studied to ensure it can overcome all of the impossibilities inherent in the model, it is completely irrational and unscientific to call yourself a flat earther. YOu claim that you REJECTED the sphere earth model because it's impossible, but you adopted a model that is impossible. Then these people who have declared the earth flat without the evidence necessary to make such a claim, call themselves 'flat earth scientists'. A complete and obvious bias that is apparent in every interaction with them. That is entirely irrational and unscientific.

The flat earth argument is not that they have proven the model beyond any reasonable doubt due to overwhelming evidence. The argument is that you have SOOOO much incredulity for the globe model, and that any evidence anyone presents HAS to be fabricated (including but not limited to NASA) that you win by default!

Sorry, it doesn't work that way. Don't act like that and pretend that you are doing 'real science'. You're not. Following in the footsteps of Rowbotham, they are simply confirming bias. And just like Rowbotham, when you use proper technique and understand scientific principles, the flat earth model simply has no leg to stand on.

"Flights from Sydney to Santiago do not go closer than a few hundred kilometres of the antarctic ice wall. They definitely do not fly close to the southern "pole"

PS. The tourist flights he mentioned fly over 1000 miles one direction OVER Antarctica the entire way. And they have 9 different routes in order to show repeat fliers different sights each time. If they are covering 1000 miles over 9 different directions, well, it seems that your 'ice wall' is just simply no where to be found.

What's bizarre is that you talk about 'repeatable experiments' for our model (which you then ignore) but you believe in an ice wall that there is zero evidence for and every reason to believe it does not exist at all.

See how the mentality is? You are not, at all, interested in science. You just want everyone to bow down and accept your ridiculous attestations because you used the word 'science' and called everyone who doesn't believe in an ice wall 'brainwashed'. Interesting way to do 'science'.

The "proofs" I've seen so far of a flat Earth are actually less numerous and impressive than what I'd normally expect from a conspiracy theory that's had as long to fester as this one.

I've always been wondering what flat earthers actually believe in, as they only try to debunk earth being a globe with all kinds of crazy talk, never however telling us what the world is like.

Except that it's flat. Nothing else.

They are mostly ridiculous conspiratards who cannot show you any hard evidence for what they believe other than videos made by complete morons who get debunked constantly.

Hope @titusfrost doens't mind my shameless self-promotion here, but it's on topic to answer the question, so I thought I'd throw it in. Flat earthers often do tell us what their insane world is like. I've described a few things here.


Thanks, I will check out this too :)

Still haven't seen the curve.

Oh really:

If it's a disc, it could also look like that in the first video.
Stop the second video at 13:19 - is the earth curving upwards or is it the gopro lens?
For the third one - it's already been debunked. Start with researching what the angular resolution is.

Have a good day! :)

Also, the sun stays the same size all day long IF you don't cherry pick, and you use a solar filter to cut the glare. Have you done that easy to do experiment yourself to see what the angular size of the sun is ALL DAY LONG on a time lapse yourself with a solar filter?

Or do you get your knowledge from YouTube videos that tell you what to say?


So all three videos that were put there don't necessarily show the globe.

They are flat maps, not globes. While it's sometimes useful to use projection maps for illustrative purposes, using a flat map to portray what occurs on a globe is neither correct, nor intellectually honest.

So we can come to a conclusion we don't really know what we're talking about. None of us can prove neither of the theories.

@titusfrost. Keep doing great posts and videos. I'm following you and resteemed. I'd be interested in any collaborative projects as well. I'm trying to provide easy to read articles to debunk this nonsense, so that at least people on the fence don't join this cult.

it hurts you to write an article about that hahah so why you did that lol :D

There's actually a very easy way to see how the earth isn't flat. if you go to a beach and you look at the ocean, you will see a slight curvature in the water. But it's slight enough for you to see that there is curvature and that it's not flat.

Sorry Titus but I say HOHUM. I will still look forward to your posts in spite of this one.

Totally going past the inability of existing airplane mechanics to navigate over a sphere model; no horizon for the artificial horizon to level on and a gyroscope which will ensurevthe aircraft will end up in outer space, ‘nuf said....globehead trolls are to easy to debunk

You simply have not the SLIGHTEST idea how airplanes operate. Why do you post nonsense that you simply heard on a video that you have not even BOTHERED to do the slightest bit of fact checking? Steemit is not the place for such nonsense comments. Go back to Facebook to make such unfact checked, nonsensical comments that you know nothing about.

So please go ahead and show me your flights over Antarctica: https://www.flightradar24.com/10.13,70.47/2

Holy shit. You'd save us all wasting time if you were to spend TWO MINUTES to check things that retarded flat earth videos say. It's incredible that you are this dumbed down that you just repeat nonsense people tell you without bothering to look, and consider yourself intelligent.

If you HONESTLY believe that Quantas is lying about their tourist flights, and the tens of thousands of people who have taken them are lying, and that the thousands of OTHER flights that have gone to Antarctica don't exist, then PLEASE check yourself into a mental institution.


And Icelandic air companies are even landing passenger jets on Antarctica. Seriously, I think you need mental help. The ignorance is unbelievable.
