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RE: [Flat Earth Proof #1] My first flat earth proof. Debunking Ball Earther Mathias Kp (Who made the Turning Torso fake ball proof video).

in #flatearth7 years ago

All you write is not true, FEA made a video showing the half moon with a straight line, I don't remember the name of the video, I might try to find it tomorrow.

You are just repeating non-sense that you heard from the fake pseudo science, do your research and you will find that:

The earth is flat.


As a hobby astrologer, I can tell you it is true that the shadow on the moon is constant -- every fucking lunar ecplise. And I have traveled around the world to watch.

And you would have a damn hard time proving the earth is not rotating when taking the Foucault Pendulum into your equastion.

And with the Occam's Razor we can with very good confidence say that the earth is spherical, without even going into space.

Dear Danish man, let go of your non sense.

Because you have forgot 1st grade material

As a hobby astrologer I have researched it for many years.

And let us say for a second the earth is flat; why bother? To me it seems like you are the one open for indoctrination. Exactly.

Please. Everyone knows about Illuminati, free masons, skulls and bones, bohemian grove and the bilderberg group.

And you are articulating that I don't know anything. It's rude and disrespectful!

Good luck fighting the whole world. It wont be pretty. It'll be ur bad luck not following my advice: Just leave your non-sense. It does nothing good. Period. I would consider it a psychosis. But what do I know? Right.