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RE: The day I became an Flat Earther (yes, I now believe the Earth is FLAT!)

in #flatearth8 years ago

Hi Himsagar,

Let me try and see if I can answer your questions.

  1. In Flat Earth theory the sun rotate in a circle over the flat plane. On a ball earth, the earth rotate around the sun.
  2. Flat Earth theory, the Antarctica is an ice-wall surrounding the flat earth.
  3. The sun rotate, in both theories, close to equator. So the sun are not so close to north and south poles/Antarcticas ice-wall.
  4. I dont understand your experiment.

I have to say I do not believe in the Flat Earth.



but the sun... is it flat too ?
and the moon flat the other planet (I mean the stuff you can observe with telescope, since no one went to space...) and GPS how does it work ? what signal is that using ?