Not sure if you are actually asking a question or not, but one question to ask that the 'convex earth' (convex means curved, by the way, so they really fail from the start) is : to what distance is their laser rated for accuracy?
Laser levels like the ones you buy in a store are rated to about 200 feet for a HIGH quality one. That's FEET. There are 5280 feet in a mile, and I believe the distance they used was 6 miles or so. They made their own laser level to their own specifications, and there is no indication it was rated or checked for accuracy for any particular distance. So, there is no reason to believe their laser level is accurate to even 200 feet, let alone 6 miles.
The BEST laser transit that I could find that exists in the world is only rated for 6000 meters (3.72 miles), and it costs around $10,000-$15,000 dollars. The 'experiment' they did was much longer than that, I think double the range of the BEST laser transit level in the world that is designed for corporate users at astronomical prices.
What kind of conclusions should be drawn from a laser level used 100's of times further than it's rating, then modified further by the people using it without having an independent party test it for accuracy?
So, for this reason, and many others like it, they are just fumbling around doing confirmation bias and not science. In fact, so far as I could tell, they didn't even have a hypothesis, and they certainly did not try to falsify their belief system, and they generally ignore anything and everything that is in direct contradiction of their beliefs, such as the items listed below.
They claim to be doing real science, but it has none of the requirements science demands.
Now, just ask any flat earther to show a MODEL of any of these, let alone all of them in one model. Watch them gyrate because it is impossible:
Lunar eclipses
Daylight hours in the southern hemisphere in December
Star trails
The equinox
Moon phases
They literally don't even have a testable hypothesis when they have no model. Plus, they just choose to ignore the fact that the globe model already makes stunningly accurate predictions. Predictions are the gold standard of science. So, claiming one model is wrong when it is predicting basically everything we see in reality with precision, and replacing it with something that does not even have a model that can be tested, is simply scientific illiteracy.
When flat or 'convex' earthers can make ANY prediction whatsoever, well, let them get back to us.
Are you interested in having this type of debate in a live stream?