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RE: 1

in #flatearth7 years ago

thanks for this long rant of no new information what so ever. Have you ever thought maybe you have Stockholm syndrome? Because you know the government lies. You know actually all politicians lie. And you know the news we watch is bullshit propaganda made by corporations that are also part of the government a.k.a. the plutocracy we all know this anyone that has ever looked into it. So now you want to tell me in this one science of astronomy or whatever you want to call it in this one science we are getting total truth? I'm not clear do you trust NASA or not? Anyway I believe all the space programs are a lie as well as there flying telescopes and labs. But your right this doesn't prove the world is flat but you know what does? A FUCKING LEVEL YOU DEBUNK THE LEVEL AND TELL ME HOW THE FUCK IT WORKS ON A BALL AND GET BACK TO ME EVERYTHING IS FLAT FROM THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN ON EARTH FROM ANY AIRPLANE AND FROM THE HIGHEST ALTITUDE BALLOONS AND ALL NASA HAS IS CGI. YOU ARE UNDER MIND CONTROL. Sorry for the caps I'm trying to break your spell. When you were a child and your brain was forming a teacher from the state run educational system told you you live on a ball and you still believe even though your eyes tell you different?


LOL. If you must use ridiculous psychological tactics, that is quite likely because you have no actual argument except "it looks flat, therefore it is!!!".

So, why don't we start with you defining the word level and explain how one works. I'll wait. Plus, I already addressed that here anyway.

But WHICH of the things you see tells you it's flat? Because horizon drop tells you it's a globe. So, are you taking ALL of what you see into account? Or just what you can see that you WANT to see and confirm your bias?

Because THIS says it's not flat. In fact, that the horizon always 'rises to eye level' is a Dubay MANTRA... however it's a lie. Horizon drops at an observable and measurable rate.


As do these planes landing say that it's a globe, as well as hundreds of other simple observations people have been making for 2000 years such that few people in the civilized world have believed the earth was flat since the 4th century.

So, if you choose to IGNORE the things you can see that you don't like, sure, then your senses say it's flat... because both a flat earth and a sphere the size of the earth are consistent with the flatness. But, If you want to figure out the shape of the earth correctly, you must take ALL information about the earth into account, not just the information that confirms your bias.