I've been doubting the Gleason map more and more as time goes on. Flat Earth Asshole was the first one to make me start questioning it. I've now found other models that seem more accurate, biblically and logically.
More info here: The True Flat Earth Model
I added some stuff to this. The last video ties everything together. This is why the North Pole and the South Pole are off-limits to private exploration.
Also this Biblical quote... Ezekiel 1:4
I looked and there was a whirlwind coming from the north, a great cloud with fire flashing back and forth and brilliant light all around it. In the center of the fire, there was a gleam like amber.
Check out this ancient 1587 Italian map. This one is over 10 ft in diameter...
Check out this video I just found about the Gleason's map.... the latitude lines only go to 60 degrees south.... Watch "Gleason Flat Earth Map-True!" on YouTube
The Gleason map is a detriment to flat plane evangelists like myself. The model does not reflect real-life.
If the sun+moon are orbiting around the North Pole they should move slower when they're closer to it (eg. Summer June-September) and faster when they're farther away from it, which are both observably false.
At least we can agree it's not a ball. We're not going to know the truth until we pressure NASA to tell us. We're trying to build a puzzle with half of the pieces missing. The only thing we can prove is that there's no curve. The sun and the moon cycles are more difficult to explain. We don't know the size of the firmament dome. We live in an exciting time when all of these lies are being exposed. They've been lying to us about the globe model for 500 years! We have the globalist on the ropes. They can't get away with the globe any longer. They're going to have to reveal the truth.. The full truth and nothing but the truth.
Mark 4:22 There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. There is nothing kept secret that will not come to light.