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RE: Flat earth - the beginning of my research

in #flatearth7 years ago

Youre absolutely right and Im doing my research from both sides, unbiased.
The horizon that you mentioned, I was away on holiday 2 weeks ago and our hotel room was on the 5th floor overlooking the black sea and I kept looking at it on several occasions throughout the few days We were there. But honestly I didnt see any curve and the same goes for the plane journey.
I have even seen independent projects where people send up ballons up in the sky and there is no curveature.
If Im mistaking please do let me know.


You won't see any curve at that elevation. The earth is HUGE. That is what I mean by flat earth 'half truths'. You will not see any curvature until you reach 100,000 feet! I explain it in my post here. I hope that is not shameless promotion, but it is on topic.

But yes, there is curvature on the independent balloons, it's just so small that you have to measure it. But part of their 'half truths' is that they just 'eyeball it' and say that it's not curved. But once you have a feel for what the curvature should look like, you can look at the hot air balloons and see the curvature, although it's very slight and really needs a straight edge to measure. I have images of a straight edge taken to those screenshots and the curvature is what would be expected: slight, but there.

Here's a gif I made to show the slight change in curvature from 3000 feet to 100,000 feet. It's really just not that dramatic. And if you think about it, it shouldn't be because 100,000 feet is less than the distance of a marathon. A person in good shape could RUN the distance of those hot air balloons in two hours! It's just not very high if you take the actual incredibly large size of the earth into account.

Curvature of the earth gif.gif

Good luck. Question everything and confirm with experts on the subject before you believe anything. For instance, there is a post trending on flat earth right now showing that Venus will be visible this weekend and says it's proof they are lying to us, but the article he links to gives a perfectly reasonable explanation for the phenomenon by astronomers. And you can even replicate the phenomenon with a couple of balls and a light source at home to show that it really is possible.

And what is funny is that Venus SHOULD be seen all night every night on a flat earth since there is nothing to obstruct our view and the planets are supposed to be embedded in the firmament. So where does Venus go for the rest of the time when we can't see it?

So, he kind of debunks his own post when you really start thinking about it. :)

100000? I have read on numerous mainstream articles that the curvature can be seen from a cruising plane at 11000 feet.
But even then there was a project done by independed public funded scientists that sent a rocket into the atmosphere with cameras attached, you can check it out yourself on youtube.
Let me know what you think.

11,000 is definitely too low, as you can see on the calculator. Remember, these seem high, but they are not at all in comparison to the earth. You might want to check out this video on how much of the earth you can see at once. At 11,000 feet, you are probably seeing something like 1% of the entire earth. It's nothing. If you consider a globe, the Himalayas are only about a 2 mm bump on the surface of the earth. The scale of the earth is just enormous. Even satellites at 200 miles are only going to see 7% of the earth at once! Really, 200 miles is how high up you need to go to really undoubtedly see curvature.

This image below is the expected curvature from 200 miles! It's still not as much as you'd think, and probably what most people would expect from a high altitude balloon. Remember 200 miles is only the distance between Los Angeles and Las Vegas. It's a 4 hour drive. It is still tiny in comparison to the earth.


I don't know what independent scientists you are talking about, unless it's Globebusters. And they definitely showed a curve. Again, it's slight because it's only 100,000 feet, but it's there if you take a straight edge to it. I can show you at least 3 other independent rockets and high altitude balloons that show curvature.

Here's what happens when you measure the globebusters curvature. I personally am not even sure if these independent scientists are TRYING to find curvature, because sending a balloon up to 100,000 feet is not going to show much of a curve, so it's really a great way to confirm their bias, if that is their goal, while making it seem like they are trying to find the truth. The curvature expected at 100,000 feet is 0.6 degrees! Out of 360 degrees, that is virtually undectable by the human eye. It has to be measured.

flat earth globebusters earth is a sphere curvature.jpg

That does make sense but...
In the video he says for every mile there is an 8 inches curve, with naked eye you can see 3 miles in the ocean and with good camera or telescope a lot further and you can see that nothing goes under the horizon.
And about the antarctica, no you cant go, you can only access a small part of it and only with guided tours, and security armed weapons.

And yes, you can access as much of Antarctica as you wish (except for the 2'ish percent that you would need a permit for scientific research). There is no one keeping you from doing that. However, it's a dangerous place. No one is going to just go on a whim.

I wrote an article debunking that too. There is only 2% of Antarctica that you need a permit to access. No different than many National Parks. I needed a permit to camp in the back country of Yosemite, or to climb to the top of Mt. Whitney.

There is zero evidence that anyone would stop you from doing an Antarctic expedition if you wished to do so. But it's a harsh place that scientific teams have even had to be rescued. A recent article where a scientific team was rescued talked about the incredible hazards of the people doing the rescuing!

I've asked for people to provide me evidence of anyone having been stopped who tried to go to Antarctica, and there is none. Have them show you a video of someone being stopped by the UN in Antarctica. It simply doesn't exist. But you will find a few articles and videos of solo explorers going across antarctica, and many scientific teams on many different scientific research stations.

AGain, half truths. They do the math completely wrong. This entire Youtube site is by a geodetic surveyor. Their entire job is to measure the curvature of the earth. Basically everything you see on a map has been mapped and surveyed by a geodetic surveyor. He points out the correct math, and how the things that you see in the distance are at the correct distance behind the curve if you do the math correctly.

And you can see things go over the horizon. You just won't find them on flat earth videos. You have to look at videos that debunk flat earth videos where they show you the things that actually do go over the horizon. Here's a really good one where he shows that exactly the right amount is below the horizon that can't be seen.

This one is excellent because he ALSO shows that what we are seeing would be very different if we were on a flat plane. I can show you tons of videos that show things below the horizon, exactly where they should be when you do the math correctly.