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RE: 1

in #flatearth7 years ago

Not one thing you mentioned as proof can be verified with the five senses.

Let me ask you this. How do you know if something is real? If its detectable with the five senses

No one I ever met has ever experienced curving, turning, spinning and shooting through space or in fact anything that suggests living on a ball. We experience the Earth as flat and stationary. No matter how many stories I hear about masons on the moon, or Tesla cars in space I am not just going to believe anything I hear.

Real science proves the earth is flat and staionary. You know science that follows the scientific method, experiments that are REPEATABLE and TESTABLE, like sagnac and airies failure experiments prove the earth is not a ball.

So wake up, trust your five senses, they keep you alive everyday, stop believing in the propaganda so we can move on and try to figure the TRUE nature of reality. There is no time left to debate ball Earth, we know its flat and atationary, we know this, go out and do a curvature test. I dont mean watch a video of a free mason claiming he found curvature. I mean get off your ass and do a curvature test.

No curvature, No Ball

Sorry, I know it hurts to have your lifelong paridigms shatter in front of your eyes but we need to move on. And find the real truth


EVERYTHING I mentioned can be confirmed with the senses. You sound like you are on the script the Youtube videos tell you to parrot. Squawk.