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RE: Flat Earth_100% Proof of ZERO Curvature -Courtesy Jinhan Park

in #flat6 years ago

it isn't a math question.. so your comment is just a character assassination.

does a ship disappear over the horizon? no, ultra-zoom lens have proved they don't.

the ship disappearing is literally a proof used on many educational websites and is spread as fact proving the ball earth. yet is has been disproved. where is the science that figured it out and claimed it was true? why don't these educational websites, people, and everyone that claims it test it for themselves?

because they took it on faith. faith in 'science'. a false science that ignores anything that is inconvenient to its fairy tales. this is just one example of your past 'great minds' and why we shouldn't trust them. their lies still live on today because, somehow, this new information about ships not disappearing keeps being ignored. WHY?


Ho hum, ever get tired of lying?

point it out. where did I lie? bring it, bring your debate.

I speak the Truth always, even when it costs me. I'd rather find out I'm wrong than live a lie. that is why I know what I do, I've been willing to change and adapt. your just a MSM puppet.

You claiming that ships don't disappear over the horizon is a lie.

omg. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

You claiming bullshit quotes are real is another recent lie. All I have to do is wait and you will be providing more lies.

It's just bullshit on top of more bullshit with you.

whatever bro. you claim whatever you want.

Thank you klevn! Happy to have people with an open and questioning mind in my presence who don't just accept all 'science' as gospel. Thanks for the love and support! Peace!

you are welcome. the forces of 'evil' are strong at this time, I feel sometimes it is about strengthening our individual wills to the point we trust ourselves over being told what to think. because in my world, nothing happens outside God's plan, so I just imagine how it is being used for Good ; )