Two days, three days, six days ... there is hardly any time before the deadline expires.

It is not little what is at stake, although to many it seems a trifle. He has fought hard for the reputation he has achieved, it has not been easy, hundreds and hundreds of hours of dedication and dedication, it is not time to surrender.
Everyone knows him for his creativity, for his originality, how to defraud them now?... his world is spinning in time to his desperation.
The blood presses on his temples with the same intensity that his feelings squeeze his heart. Feel nausea, dizziness, chills. His fingers slide as if they were clumsy appendages of an animal without consistency or soul, he feels lost.
"I can not believe what I'm going to do, it will be my downfall!", drop the fateful sentence like thunder in the middle of the storm, while your computer mouse clicks on the publication button.
It's done! direct to the drain of the blockchain. What does the 2 SBDs at stake matter? what really matters is the opinion of his colleagues and @jayna.
"What a waste of participation!" think as you close the session.

It is a pleasure for me to leave for my consideration my participation in this enjoyable contest that weekly puts our imagination to fly. If you wish to participate, check beforehand the rules of the same through this link

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Nice one. I think your reputation for creativity and originality is safe!
Thanks @deirdywirdy for the comment, I was really desperate to do something fairly decent xD
This was a great read and it put my imagination on a Free float off thought
Oh!, how good to have achieved my purpose. I appreciate your comment Britt
You are a clever one, @karupanocitizen! I felt a considerable amount of anticipation as I read this story... fearing what the character was about to do. The resolution really made me smile. Thank you for this!
Thank you for your beautiful words @jayna and for the dedication that you give to this contest week after week.
I really love writing stories that in some way generate sensations in the reader and that are resolved with a totally unexpected and fun turn.
Yes, it’s really fun when you can come up with a surprising ending. I manage to do so occasionally!
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Jajaja. Buena esa.
Many desperate people in this blockchain. This was supposed to be fun, but anxiety can come from the simplest of things.
Great set up, surprising outcome.