he's just using Steemit as efficiently as possible
One could say that... But he also does nothing to help others. He doesn't even respond to the comments from his followers. Which one could think should be of importance when Steemit is supposed to be a social community.
Also, most of the rewards he earns comes from one person. So even with a following of 24000+ people, he still doesn't earn more than just a few dollars from all of them. However, what's more importantly, in my honest opinion, is the fact that neither haejin himself or the whale that constantly support him does anything to grow or help Steemit as a community. They don't upvote other authors. They don't spread the wealth. They don't even respond to comments.
They are here to earn several thousands of dollars per day with no intentions of giving anything back. And that's not what Steemit is all about.
He publish 10-12 articles per day, and have been doing that for a long period of time. When most other authors publish a maximum of 4 as most people know that it would be considered reward pool rape to publish 10+ articles per day. haejin knows this too... But he doesn't care. He continue to publish 10+ articles per day no matter what others say or think.
Also, when people comment and ask him in a decent way to stop and reconsider his approach and behaviour, he does everything in his powers to destroy the reputation and the rewards for these people. And he calls it "self defence".
I wouldn't go as far as some others and call him a scammer or whatever.. But his behaviour is definitely not helping Steemit. He is not helping Steemit in anyway.... And for that, he sucks.
Thank you for the detailed explanation, I think I had an oversimplified view at first.
When you lay it out like that, I do understand the frustration a bit better and my previous choice of words doesn't seem correct (him 'just' being as efficient as possible). If everybody started behaving like that, Steemit wouldn't function anymore. Pretty grave implications I would say, if more people take it as an example on how to succeed.
You can’t be so one sided gullible! Check out the upvoters @berniesanders gets...he owns all those accounts so is self pivoting! Did you see the two worded post he self upvoted for $322? Amazing Farse!
Ignorant donkey fucker doesn't even look at the facts and continues to spout bullshit. Go back to fucking your donkey.
OMG! such an amazing coment! totaly worth $32.
Well said, couldn't have summed it up batter myself, only other thing I would add is that technical analysts are scammers in their own right, you cannot predict the markets and people are actually risking their money due to his advice which he's knocked up in a matter of minutes.
Ah... The thing is I doubt anyone listens to what he says...
It really is just the perfect thing to spam as well since there's hundreds of coins and the markets always change so he can slightly adjust his drivel every 2 or so hours
thats exactly the thing, its Steems issue that he can generate this much money but the scumball gives NOTHING back to the community, hardly ever gives commentators an upvote and provides negligable value. All the poor loyal saps following his every word, most of whom wont have two cents to rub together let alone invest in crytpo following his debatable advice. Hes not a community player and hes taking 1.5% out of the entire reward pool. It stinks. He wont even enter into discussion. Thats why he needs taking down, for the benefit of the eco system as a whole.