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RE: Flagging is not censorship

in #flags6 years ago

You are so full of shit, if that was true, you wouldn't need to do this:

Over $200 five times a day for linking a movie trailer? It's a shame no one else will flag your bullshit.


You're a hypocrite. You run vote bots. Yeah I went to the market and purchased SBD helping drive up the price and volume on the market and then spent that on votes to promote my account so what? I'm helping the Steem economy. You don't really have a point that makes sense here. I invested in the account via the promotion systems like the ones you own and operate, I'm not ashamed of that.

Some people did flag me and asked that I not go over $50sbd. The reason others don't flag me is because they aren't as small minded as you. They can see it's obviously not spam or plagirism and is exactly how one would use reddit, twitter or facebook. They recognize actions like yours only serve to hurt the platform and turn away adoption from a mainstream user base. You are literally punishing me for using the site and promotion bots as was intended.

It's also kind of ironic that you would title this post "flagging is not censorship" and then you go and use flags to censor all the posts on the account.

If flagging isn't censorship how did all these post get censored by your flags?

Or the previous ones you flagged into censorship which caused me to return to vote buying to fight back.

Stop pretending like you aren't censoring, own up to the fact you aren't fighting spam you're just censoring content you deem low effort. You're just doing your best to make sure Steem isn't fast and easy to use. Great marketing genius you are. Make sure everyone knows that you have to spend a long time and work really hard writing essays to earn Steem. Don't risk buying SBD and investing in your account because that douche whale @themarkymark might not like it. If it's fun and easy don't even bother he'll flag you down. You've obviously never been involved in building a successful online community.

I know this comment was hard for you since there was nothing you could cut and paste.

They didn't get censored, you can still see them just fine or just go to YouTube and watch the original. I just didn't want to be bothered calculating the exact amount. You were not censored, your rewards were just adjusted to more accurately reflect the effort.

Your voice is worth something
Get paid for good content.

How is automating/pasting youtube links with zero added value either your voice or good content?

a community where users are rewarded for sharing their voice. It's a new kind of attention economy.

Again, where is YOUR voice? You are adding nothing unique to the community. Zero.

I think you need to read what Steemit is about

You are mistaken. It is not automated with zero effort. It is manually curated to avoid duplicates and while not being a huge burden does take some effort to maintain a centralized list of recent movie trailers. Day in and day out for almost two years now. I was doing it when they made a penny or less. It's curated link shaing with a specific theme as every social network has.

The fact is there are some people that enjoy the content and the account does add something unique to the community.

It is manually curated to avoid duplicates

So it is copypasta.

Why not spend a few more seconds to write something unique? Where is your voice in this effort?

If the only effort is remembering if you pasted the link before then it is not really what I would call adding value.

I have other accounts for adding original thoughts, sharing news, doing memes, novelty bots, publishing data. This account shares movie trailers which is something that happens on social media. You are plain wrong about the zero value assertion. Some people enjoy it I'm sorry if that some how doesn't fit with your vision of reality but it's true.

This account shares movie trailers

And how are you adding anything to Steemit by doing that? What is your unique contribution?

something that happens on social media

Steemit is not twitter or Reddit. Those communities do not pay you out of a reward pool for your contributions and added value. Check that FAQ that I shared.

some how doesn't fit with your vision

It doesn't fit STINC vision.

Regardless, you are not being "censored", you are being downvoted. To use your words,
"something that happens on social media"

Seriously dude scroll up I've answered that question twice now. The existence of central repository for movie trailers is unique.

Steemit is inspired by those other social networks and so using it as such only naturally follows. I'm not sure what bringing up Steem's value proposition over competitors has to do with your point though.

The fact is some people watch the videos and upvote the posts. That falsifies your zero value added to the platform. All it takes is a single upvote to objectively say value was added for someone that deemed it such.

I think what's happening here is that everyone more or less thinks it's fine you share trailers and articles, but the reward for doing so was simply too much considering the level of effort. Curating trailers or copying most of an article and "quoting it" isn't at all difficult or represent something original.

He flagged and censored posts that weren't even promoted. He runs a bot that's accusing me of a scam on every post. I think it's reasonable to say he's become abusive.

You could just stop reposting other people's content, which in of itself is abusive of the original creator - since they're not being compensated - and of the network. You're not going to find a sympathetic ear here and it's not censorship. Your posts are still visible.

The original creator's published their videos on a platform that encourages and facilitates sharing. They have setup their account to enable this type of activity.

Why do you say the posts are still visible? They are all currently hidden. His screenshot is a lie he didn't scroll down to show all the posts he had already flagged and then flagged all the posts he used in teh screen shot right after. He flagged them down to nothing just like he did in the past. Go look for yourself @movietrailers

I may not have your sympathy but let's at least get the facts straight. He's been censoring the account.

Okay, I will ask the rhetorical question.

Iyho, why does Steemit allow this abuse of the reward pool? Saying they have no viable solution is an insult to developers everywhere.

Imho, I sense that there is profit for the persons with the biggest Wallets. After a few months on this platform, I believe that for many this is all the Steem platforms are really about. Not to sound negative; but, jmho.

I respect the energy put into keeping the conversation alive; but, it soon becomes like being in a room full of people, talking to the wall; because the ones with the greatest concerns, apparently aren't making the rules.

Best regards.


Same reason I suspect the government allows people to have kitchen knives when they can be used to kill people.

Ughm, let's knives are a good thing for a good purpose; BUT could be used for harm in the wrong hands.

I'm not sure I follow your analogy; but, carry on. Apathy is the worst thing one can let fester. Posts such as yours keep ALL mindful of the problems with the platform. Eventually, positive change will happen with reward abuse; or something new will come along, leaving this platform to resemble Facebook's current dinosaur morph.

Best regards.
