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RE: Flagging is not censorship

in #flags6 years ago

Well, some people wouldn't mind seeing movie suggestions and trailers to know what movies to view. I for one, that's how I get to decide which movie to watch. That might also be a bit of bullying as well. Posting just quotes I can relate. But what if content related to that, that's what keeps some people coming back to steemit? There has to be balance to everything, and I for one won't be rushing in to criticise people that post trailers..maybe some of them could just make a little more effort, yes.


This is suppose to be a site for original contents. Posting just trailers that have been moved straight to here from YouTube is not original content. If it is accompanied by commentary and reviews that was written by the person who post it then yes, by all means we welcome that. Otherwise, you are profiting upon other people's content which is just not right.

This site is not just for original or long form content. I can see how you would get that impression from some of the zealots though. The site is a social network inspired by reddit and I share interesting links as intended. The content was designed to be shared just as it is being done.
The movie content creators hope for such a thing. Sharing content is a huge part of any successful social media network. To not recognize that is myopic.

You are so full of shit, if that was true, you wouldn't need to do this:

Over $200 five times a day for linking a movie trailer? It's a shame no one else will flag your bullshit.

You're a hypocrite. You run vote bots. Yeah I went to the market and purchased SBD helping drive up the price and volume on the market and then spent that on votes to promote my account so what? I'm helping the Steem economy. You don't really have a point that makes sense here. I invested in the account via the promotion systems like the ones you own and operate, I'm not ashamed of that.

Some people did flag me and asked that I not go over $50sbd. The reason others don't flag me is because they aren't as small minded as you. They can see it's obviously not spam or plagirism and is exactly how one would use reddit, twitter or facebook. They recognize actions like yours only serve to hurt the platform and turn away adoption from a mainstream user base. You are literally punishing me for using the site and promotion bots as was intended.

It's also kind of ironic that you would title this post "flagging is not censorship" and then you go and use flags to censor all the posts on the account.

If flagging isn't censorship how did all these post get censored by your flags?

Or the previous ones you flagged into censorship which caused me to return to vote buying to fight back.

Stop pretending like you aren't censoring, own up to the fact you aren't fighting spam you're just censoring content you deem low effort. You're just doing your best to make sure Steem isn't fast and easy to use. Great marketing genius you are. Make sure everyone knows that you have to spend a long time and work really hard writing essays to earn Steem. Don't risk buying SBD and investing in your account because that douche whale @themarkymark might not like it. If it's fun and easy don't even bother he'll flag you down. You've obviously never been involved in building a successful online community.

I know this comment was hard for you since there was nothing you could cut and paste.

They didn't get censored, you can still see them just fine or just go to YouTube and watch the original. I just didn't want to be bothered calculating the exact amount. You were not censored, your rewards were just adjusted to more accurately reflect the effort.

Your voice is worth something
Get paid for good content.

How is automating/pasting youtube links with zero added value either your voice or good content?

a community where users are rewarded for sharing their voice. It's a new kind of attention economy.

Again, where is YOUR voice? You are adding nothing unique to the community. Zero.

I think you need to read what Steemit is about

You are mistaken. It is not automated with zero effort. It is manually curated to avoid duplicates and while not being a huge burden does take some effort to maintain a centralized list of recent movie trailers. Day in and day out for almost two years now. I was doing it when they made a penny or less. It's curated link shaing with a specific theme as every social network has.

The fact is there are some people that enjoy the content and the account does add something unique to the community.

It is manually curated to avoid duplicates

So it is copypasta.

Why not spend a few more seconds to write something unique? Where is your voice in this effort?

If the only effort is remembering if you pasted the link before then it is not really what I would call adding value.

I think what's happening here is that everyone more or less thinks it's fine you share trailers and articles, but the reward for doing so was simply too much considering the level of effort. Curating trailers or copying most of an article and "quoting it" isn't at all difficult or represent something original.

Okay, I will ask the rhetorical question.

Iyho, why does Steemit allow this abuse of the reward pool? Saying they have no viable solution is an insult to developers everywhere.

Imho, I sense that there is profit for the persons with the biggest Wallets. After a few months on this platform, I believe that for many this is all the Steem platforms are really about. Not to sound negative; but, jmho.

I respect the energy put into keeping the conversation alive; but, it soon becomes like being in a room full of people, talking to the wall; because the ones with the greatest concerns, apparently aren't making the rules.

Best regards.


Same reason I suspect the government allows people to have kitchen knives when they can be used to kill people.

Ughm, let's knives are a good thing for a good purpose; BUT could be used for harm in the wrong hands.

I'm not sure I follow your analogy; but, carry on. Apathy is the worst thing one can let fester. Posts such as yours keep ALL mindful of the problems with the platform. Eventually, positive change will happen with reward abuse; or something new will come along, leaving this platform to resemble Facebook's current dinosaur morph.

Best regards.


I truly dont understand why you would want to do this. Would it really be that hard to take it down to 2 posts a day and write a 500 word review of the trailer or whatever. Gave us your thoughts? I mean even your GPU post im looking at has like 40 words you have written.
I truly dont understand that. Instead you have a witness coming after you. Youre making the rest of us feel stupid for not upvoting ourselves to the moon, having 10 times the quality in our content.

This behavior is all just shitty shit shit shitty shit! I know its all "online, virtual, whatever", but cmon people!

Run this by those making the films and those who hold the copyrights - pretty sure you'll change your ideas about it quickly - sharing somone else's content and making money with it while not having a revenue splitting agreement is a good way to end up sleeping in a cardboard box. Do you know how fucking crazy Disney is? But what do I know..... It's not like I work in the industry..... Not like I've personally sued people over ad rev on sites streaming my films or films I'm affiliated with.

The amount of exposure you're providing for the content creator compared to the $$ you're bringing in is insanely unbalanced.

Hell why not use your platform/ status for good. Start sharing independent films / short films and do a 60/40 split with the creator - I've go a few I'd love the opertunity to make money on. Not even kidding.

Those making the films encourage them to be shared in this fashion hence why they publish them on a site that encourages embedding and sharing of their videos. Everything I've done is completely on the up and up as far as copyright is concerned.

This is the intended behavior for the content and a highly appropriate place to share it.

In all honesty, the ethical thing to do is to decline payout when you copy/paste these trailers. You shouldn't be paid for PSAs.

If you actually put in your own analysis, comments, etc. into those contents, then you can probably monetize it.

As of now, you are just setting yourself up for massive law suits when the authors/copyright holders find out about you. Last time I checked, Reddit doesn't pay out users for regurgitating what's already on the Internet. Karma points aren't money.

I combined my love of watching movie trailers with a nifty social network that pays you for using it. I see nothing wrong with receiving rewards for using the site as intended. People gain plenty of likes, upvotes, retweets on other social networks for sharing this type of content. I have not broken any terms of service or laws. The rights holders can revoke access to their material at any time but they won't since it's what they want. They literally pay to have these trailers shown on television.

I thought about a lengthy response, but I figure it's easier to keep it simple

tl;dr - It'll be easier if you just do a 500-word review. You'll get these guys off your back, and possibly save yourself some future headaches when the holders do notice.

Sharing with other users for free and reproducing for profit is two completely different concept. You might actually be breaking some law here I am not sure.

Regardless, if you think that reposting trailers are OK arguing that it is allowed here, then remember that flagging is also allow as an organic way for users to express displease to your content. So it is not censorship, it's just part of the game. As @enuser48 suggest, why don't you just write a small review for each trailer you post? I am sure whoever is reading it would appreciate it.

The fact that flagging is allowed doesn't support the assertion that it doesn't result in censorship. I write reviews and summary's on my main account @movietrailers has a specific theme and some people enjoy it. It serves a niche and most certainly doesn't deserve being auto spammed as a scam.

What harm do you think is being done?

That is why I said... Yeah, a bit of effort needs to be put in. You and I are saying exactly the same thing.