- 66 flags on 14 comments
- 20 flags on 4 comments
- 20 flags on 4 comments
- 20 flags on 4 comments
- 15 flags on 3 comments
-14 flags on 3 comments@treeplanter
-15 flags on 3 comments@manorvillemike
-10 flags on 2 comments@mikefromtheuk
-10 flags on 2 comments@conversefiend
-10 flags on 2 comments@mornevd
-10 flags on 2 comments@ericwilson
-10 flags on 2 comments@yogajill
-10 flags on 2 comments@chekohler
-10 flags on 2 comments@tony-marshall
-10 flags on 2 comments@x0xkasumix0x
Season 1 #FlagBootCamp Rankings April 5/2019
Game details HERE
Comment on this blog to play #FlagBootCamp.
Game details HERE
Comment on this blog to play #FlagBootCamp.
Winner winner, chicken dinner!

image from - I kid you not - tshirtsthatsuck.com
By a Landslide dude. Please refrain from any more boot camp, let the others have a chance Phe! Go rest that booty, you've earned it.
I got one the last time and probably this would be the second :) It doesn't scare me away though. I will keep showing up as long as I deem it necessary!
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Yes, I have you on the board, with 5 flags from one comment, glad you're not letting it stop you from Steemin how you want to @akomoajong. Looks like you will be in the next round of Season 1 #flagbootcamp Rankings if you get "smacked down" by BS here.
Sure! 💯
Looking forward to it :)
Posted using Partiko Android
Bwa hahaaa you got real moxie kid.
Congratulations @kerrywolf, you'll be on the boards in Round 2 of #flagbootcamp!
I'm just getting started! Wait til you see what I do next!

I hear the larp-o-matic rumbling from here for Pete's sake, don't gotta tell me lol.
Seems like talking to you is a hazardous occupation lol! Should do it more often, I too like to live dangerously
Good luck, But I don't think you need it, someone told me you "can take made hits"
Something tells me you'll be moving up in the ranks, and fast @ckekohler :') 007
Oh, no, you didn't. 😂 😂 😂
Is there a prize for the first 3 positions? Like a Steemit Board Badge, for example? What do you say, @arcange? A badge for this would be pretty cool! 😁
Yeah maybe a t-shirt for the top 3 lololol "I survived Flag Boot Camp on the Steem blockchain"
That this is what she does to gain friends and sympathy? I agree 100%, the bitch is pathetic.

@ericwilson Levelled Up!^ She's right you know.
Really sad.
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BOOM!! Next world unlocked.