No one can solve the problem

in #flag8 years ago (edited)

When the number one earning account is upvoting his own work to achieve $20k per month...

The whole community is just stumped about what to do about it, because they might waste an opportunity to earn.

Poorly edited stock-art by @whatsup

So, the irony on this site is well... Ironic.  I always regret my snarky posts after I make them, but here it goes.

When someone is earning $300+ dollars writing yet another expose' on rewardpoolrape  by a large account.   As if they have uncovered something...

The comments are filled with people scratching their heads on how to deal with it, and the minnows rush out to flag.

In the comment section, Accounts with huge amounts of Delegated Steem Power and baffled witnesses, try to decide how to move forward.

We are just unclear on how to handle this!  


True confession: If I could find a way to easily make $20,000 a month on Steemit, I would do so in a heartbeat.

But for now, I will plug along making less than one percent of that.

The Powers That Be make the rules. Whatever the rules are, people will find loopholes and workarounds.

I guess I didn't do a good job of saying the irony is the "tattle tale" post and all the concern by witnesses in the comments. lol.

The line between sarcasm and satire is a bit fuzzy. 😏

Isn't Jerry the one who made a post about how profitable it is to upvote yourself? That "investing" in STEEM in order to upvote yourself was cool and super lucrative?

Now he has a problem with people exploiting the system for their own benefit? What a clown. He has caused more harm than good around here.

Perhaps someone should write a repetitive krnelol-length post about Jerry and wrap it up with, "Well...what can you do?" Then we can be bored to tears again and struggle with our options.

lol... Gosh, what could we do... Well, it would be a great time to revive SteemSports or Ozcharts, because I guess now the community is just "Hands Off".

Pondering what our options are, pondering.

Maybe we can crowdsource some possible solutions? Let's create a few tags to be used for community discussions, then we can have STINC's Abuse-Solution team decide on which one is best and donate some money to it.

But let's make sure that nothing happens for at least four months. We need plenty of discussion time.

If only there were options already available to us! Damn you, decentralization! You make internetting so hard!

Every witness should write a position paper with rewards turned on, looking for answers in the community. Maybe someone figure this thing out.

I was actually going to say something about "concerned witnesses" but I decided it was a waste of breath. No need to trigger my emotions haha

Is this about Jerry's post ?

I didn't had the patience to read it all because instead of saying

that rock is wet

He said

the solid mineral material forming part of the surface of the earth and other similar planets, exposed on the surface or underlying the soil is soaked with water

But he joined In july 2017 like me ,yet he 's doing over 300$ on his posts and me ..only 3 $(in a best day ) so i guess people like him .
Still got his "Welcome to steemit " comment on my Introduction post

i am a bit jealous, but Eh ..he's got the skill

That's because he bought a ridiculous amount of STEEM, which meant everybody wanted to comment on his posts, which made them very famous. I don't think most people who joined in July who are making that kind of money.

I , for sure not making . But , yet he puts some work in writing every day

Agreed, he does. I don't know what he bought or didn't but with all of that SP comes the ability to remove rewards as well. So, if he wanted to do something about the issue, he could.

Don't let the fake concern win you over.

You are talking about "The Person who hunts minds" correct! Sorry I can't acquisition him directly (Poor me what should do, if he decided to flag my poor earnings :/ )
That's seriously unfair game! It's unfair for all other top authors of this platform! And their effort seems not worth enough by such kind of tricks!@whatsup,

Thanks for sharing this discussion! And I respect the way you thinking!


The person who made money making a post about mindhunter, and didn't do a thing to change it. Hmm.

He gets 20k month, all right. But don't forget he keeps 500 k in Steem. With that alone he contributes A LOT to the community.

I get that point, and I understand that... But number 1 and number 2? Hmm. My biggest concern would be it looks scammy. I am not that concerned about it.

Last I looked there were 740 comments, and yet... Nobody can figure out what to do. It is hysterical.

It was an interesting post on how people can use loop holes in the system. But there is really nothing "illegal" going on here.

Would I use this method if I were the #1 poster? Probably not, I would rather pay it forward, knowing that it is only because of other people that I am there in the first place. But I can't really fault someone for taking advantage for as long as possible.

I don't know if anyone has ever looked at the amount of Steem rewards being generated daily if they were spread out among all active posts for the day, instead of concentrated on a few posts. That would certainly be interesting to see. Although I am by no means endorsing a policy in which just posting earns $X.

Maybe something that rewards you more for curating than for self voting would help...

I don't know. it's all how the game is played and how the rules get manipulated...

I actually am pretty okay with people using their stake how they like, the other big players have the ability to create bots to flag these rewards if they want to.

What is making me laugh, is the fake concern without action. Either step up and do something about it, or stop making a fuss and pointing out all of our flaws to everyone... (While you earn from your "concern"). It's just funny.

even number 1 do this lol

I've always admired your snarky posts. You say what needs saying.

I don't agree with upvoting myself I find it stupid as I don't agree either with big whales asking for transfers to get their vote... I thought steemit is full of intelligent people posting interesting things but, as time is passing and I learn and see more about this place, I realize that only a small % of posts are worth to read. This is not Facebook to post you got drunk on holidays or porntube to post naked pictures stolen from the internet to earn some money... then I saw this post and I totally agree with it and I'm so disappointed to see how greedy people, big whales, use their votes to make more money

you lied . You did selfvoted your own posts . hihi , got you

Sorry it was on automatically upvote I'll get them out thanks

Was only a joke , don't worry . You can do whatever you want with your SP

Done. 😉 I am new in here I haven't even noticed. I have never been in a place like this so I don't know 100% how it works. Although my upvote is worthless 😅

I've outlined some solutions that I thought of in a post a while back.

It's impossible to outright fix the problem, but there are ways to make it more difficult and less rewarding to accomplish.

You can argue that people are allowed to use their stake however they wish, but there is also the curation mechanic that pulls even more people towards the sinkhole- further rewarding the corrupt and corrupting the otherwise honorable.

If it wasn't such a dangerous proposition, I would recommend a portion of the curation pool to be rewarded to flagging as well. However that just repeats the same issue in an equal and opposite fashion....

I actually think "flag curation" might be a good thing, if I flag something that is a bad behavior... and others join me... Why shouldn't that earn something? Aren't we helping the site?

Would be an interesting discussion.

Because it's a slippery slope. The mass flag abusers would get rewarded. I think that's a dangerous opportunity haha

That's true. lol. It could be entertaining, however. The wailing, the moaning, the upset... That might have been interesting.

It would sure give us something to post about ;-)

I just don't worry about it.

The irony is if it isn't a problem, don't make a post about it being one. If it is a problem, the people discussing it have the ability to remove the rewards or vote changes into the code.

I don't care much about the $ part either, it is the fake helplessness that is amusing.

It is pretty amusing, isn't it?

However, most of the time, the people who can change the code back to where we had some built-in abuse mitigation are the ones denying that the code even had any abuse mitigation...or that it worked. Somehow, the recent flood of abuses just materialized out of thin air for no particular reason at all.

It's effin' mind-boggling, I tell ya'! What even are the problems around here? I don't think anyone knows. It's a mystery!

We just can't figure out a single thing to do about it, so... Let's post and discuss it (not handle it) Earning more by being just the "right" amount of concerned... Yet, let's not take any action.

It is like US Politics. Fingers pointing everywhere concerned faces... I just wish I could fix this. (you can)

Sounds pretty accurate.

Do you have links to the article stating who's doing this and proof that they're doing it?

Just look at the trending page. You'll see it.

It's odd, because I can't see the comments he says are getting massive rewards. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place, but our Scottish friend is not earning that massively from what I can see. He does post an awful lot and self-votes, but he doesn't have enough SP to do much damage.

I also don't see why someone making $300 on a post is complaining :)

lol, the whole thing struck me as funny. The site has flags, the site has the ability to vote for witnesses, witnesses have the ability to impact the code.

The SP is held by the accounts who are capable creating change, or flagging away the rewards....
So, let's appeal to the end-users?

This is not good for SteemIt, creditability... etc.

At least he is earning, and good for him.

I doubt he will make $20k a month. This comment seems to explain what was going on. It's a storm in a teacup really

Agreed, stake is stake and those who are creating the storm, could simply fix it. Write a bot to flag it down if you want, or use some of your stake to down-vote it, or make a post and earn, while pretending you don't know what to do. Add slightly concerned witnesses, adding their opinions and voting up each other's comments. It is hysterical.

It isn't about the money to me, it is about reputation.

we need just to have rule implemented in steemit that selfvote around 10% max and no more than 10% to other guy ( so we fight with alts too )

I disagree, but it is the baffled helplessness of the large accounts and witnesses that amaze me.

The minnows are the ones that keep steemit and steem going, we represent 99% of the site and we own 1% of the know , the general rule of money distribution. It is just natural for people to be revolted when they were promised that the big accounts are the creators of wealth and that they are going to share that with everyone and instead they see actions that are imoral, corrupted and filled with greed. It just makes you feel used...and pleaseguys dont reply with ''if you dont like it just leave'' , because it is plain dumb and i dont engage in dumb discussions.

I like it!

Personally i think that selfupvoting is sort of cheating, a writer should write high quality content so the public would appreciated. Instead we get a situation where a guy posts image with no text and selfupvotes it. I think it lowers general quality.

This post has received a 7.65 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @whatsup.

@whatsup - Sire, love your post Sire. Yes Sire, number 1 earner is cheating the system. Not a good work Sire. Therefore, I wish to resteem this post Sire.

+W+ [ReSteemed & UpVoted]

amigo #resteemia at your service

'me too - worth $60', then how much worth my comment? ;) time to flag such pool drainers. nice discussion @whatsup

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

minnows cant do anything :(

I was so excited when I saw this. Someone finally gets what a hero I am! Whoot. Imagine my disappointment, when I find you have so many people you love and so many heros in your comment section. Sigh, I guess I am still the only one who truly gets my greatness. How disappointing.

This îs one of those moment when i reply with " Kiss ass" and my bot come and replys with the Kiss ass card . But i'm too Dumb to make a fun bot