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RE: Five Facts About Me (I Jump on the Bandwagon Uninvited)

in #fivefacts7 years ago

Oh, feel free to kid me about the ride all you want, I'm sharing it because I hope it's kind of funny or at least a bit unexpected. I don't mind a bit of friendly ribbing ;)

My son is looking to become a teacher. It means more schooling (he already has a bachelor's) and then getting a teaching certificate. He started in the Fall as a bilingual assistant for ESL kids (they actually call the program ELD).

I would say teaching is not for everyone and not everyone enjoys explaining the same things over and over (apparently I do). I know a lot of smart and altruistic people who found teaching frustrating, grueling and unsatisfying. But it seems that the people that enjoy it find it quite rewarding. It's sometimes a matter of a financial decision and that's the only reason I'm still not doing that - it didn't allow me to earn enough. Your son should consider how much it will cost him to get educated and certified and how long it would take him to break even teaching and whether it is worth it financially.

Interestingly enough, as far as training goes, I didn't even finish my Bachelor's degree as I didn't have time for it because I gave priority to music and work. Technically, I was utterly unqualified to teach in a high school but since I had proven myself in practice, the principal was willing to stick her neck out for me (and had some legal loopholes that allowed her to do so). But you could bet that whenever there was an inspection or a certification procedure for an institution I was teaching at (be it the school or a company organizing corporate trainings), I was always the first person to get an in-class audit. Fortunately, that was not an issue and some administrators even threw me under the bus intentionally.

I enjoy teaching, but I'd have a hard time with any non-adult I think.

I don't have much of a way with children and I prefer adults and teenagers because it's OK to go deeper into things and you don't have to shy away from more complex concepts or language. And I'm a pretty verbose over-analyzer and that can benefit adults much more than it can benefit the youngest of children.

I like to wear black, too. I just don't wear it exclusively. :)

I moved to all-black as a teenager and got so used to it, I feel kind of unnatural wearing something else. And as I mentioned, it makes life much easier. Though I like combining black with a bit of pink here and there just to surprise people (for instance I have a bright pink tie that I sometimes wear).

It sounds like a great relationship you have. I wish you both well.

Thank you and thanking for stopping by! :)