stories first and now

in #five7 years ago


"you still hold the money right?" she asked. payday Monday tomorrow, given cash in the office husband, a number of 1.750.000. means money payday new official can be used as soon as possible Monday night. since the beginning of marriage, husband alone that payday. I Mah guns. I said, "no, 5000 again." second next I asked behind, "a a still hold the money right?" my husband instead answer even stare looked at me speechless. "dime a a no hold more money, de. a a guess you still have a" "Yes God, how Dong? we guns has nothing also create eat" "a a also need to buy gasoline again, create Monday work" at the time to transport I leave school profession, I calm. card monthly subscription Abo train to practice to rscm can still be used. we subside. 5000 dollars. calculated in any way too, we remain on the conclusion that money is not enough. we are aware of this negligence and kelemotan financial, guns smart at all. when it was a day in which we both sekere-kerenya so people. the time students only, guns ever-pernahnya we in that position. money stay 5000. balance in ATM was already reached the minimum number can not be drawn again. really just got money 5000 piece of it. we agree not to continue the discussion. want how again, the more discussed more mumet. borrow the same parents also ashamed. whereas if I say to Papa, haqul sure directly transferred seconds it too. but my husband ashamed. wait, he said. Moreover, just a few months married this way, it jaim incredible. pingin once shows to parents when young-young like this, we can also finance life itself. next sidqi invited me to prayer duha only. ask the instructions in order to heart calm, so that money 5000 it was pretty. somehow. so, faith this is just a thin skin onion, if again miserable guns had anything it solemn really duha him. after greetings and pray, we smoothing instrument prayers. unfinished I folding mat, telephone handheld I reads. "Hello mbak Mia, this is her mother Obi (not real name). MBA Mia stay where now? what is still in Depok?" voice said at the end there. ago chat by telephone it continues. he is parents that a year earlier, his ever I teach private lessons mathematics. suddenly, Saturday he called me, ask address rented, and ask for his trained again some matter of mathematics ahead of the test at school. not a lot of consideration, simply I is not it. anyway I and sidqi weekend it's not going anywhere. money stay 5000 also Kan. few hours later, they arrived at the rented US. Obi Elementary school children class 3 time it takes a few books. before Les, parents Obi farewell and promised to pick up his back in the two hours ahead. thank God also it their farewell, so guns need to be there anything I need to suguhkan. hiks. I invite and the next cool to discuss problems mathematics with his son. elapsed time to Les mathematics impromptu and even then finish. got time dzuhur. I know sidqi was hungry. I was so. but we both know, money 5000 that we need to think carefully want to spend what to eat three days this plus day buy gasoline. payday still Monday! as promised, father and his mother Obi came to pick up. their permission farewell home and grateful I can be contacted to Les impromptu. "sorry Yes MBA Mia been plagued time off-off like this", said mother while farewell home. Obi, his father and his brother was first way to the direction of the car. I and sidqi waved to them. left hand I was carrying a large plastic containing provision of her mother Obi earlier. it would be surprised our hearts, when opened, plastic it contains three box food. one box large contains eight Arts cooky, one box contains grilled chicken one tail along with fresh vegetables and sambalnya, and one box again contains Rice and side dish mature ready to eat wrapped plastic small. still tucked envelope containing 150.000 dollars. masyaallah! Allahu Akbar! me and sidqi can only stunned and crying Haru. we embrace. how her mother Obi give paid a very overpaid to Les mathematics children class 3 Elementary school for two hours. God this Yes .. Kok how could set scenario guns reasonable like this? duh gustii .. original can only cry that time. today, I still have not been able to withstand Haru when remember the events that day. events always so reminder create my husband and, of livelihood. sustenance US, Fortune all of US. that is said sustenance never been entered, it is true. that God giving sustenance of the way the unexpected, believes the real truth. the morning, who think that we will get food that much much and money 30 times a sheet of 5000? God loving, Allah rich. very easy for his give US a provision of the way whatever may not included in the matter of humans. possibly comrades never be in my position, of course it's okay. perhaps also also friends not believe that salary husband who just a little more than UMR Jakarta in 2009 when it can still support both of US that time. not a problem. I just expressed as is. why? at least, for US, posting a mother of illustration settings spending money 2.500.000 mediocre. LHA Wong ever salary husband less than two million, KOMO deui money shopping tah. guns need made illustration was Yes later you sad. i'll only. hehehe certainly not only that Yes, experience money 5000 this menghunjam in the heart of fear not lack of Fortune. if you are experiencing narrowness sustenance do not feel inferior don't be afraid. we Mah is poor, goodbye rich Mah God. guns shame. shame that, if in doubt and fear tomorrow guns eat, because lest we already insulting he Supreme rich. the number of property, God can take at any time. least treasure God can God both ends meet how the only way. as easy as drove her mother Obi to rented me that time. though of course, planning and set the financial carefully also must. events money 5000 first, it still useful to date and insyaallah forever. for example, there are times when husband home office preach, he did not so berangkatkan to state a, then replaced by his colleagues. or he did not so official travel to the bed, as one and the other thing. whereas if for example so depart, hundreds of thousands of dollars he could thank as money office. as such, memories money 5000 this be a sedative our hearts. chill, as long as there is no right violated, no need to be required. sustenance guns will where. after all, if we impose self take the provision of others, we certainly more afraid if God taking forced again from our isn't it? so just relax ... insyaallah our right and sustenance halal will be a blessing. in addition for yourself, experience money 5000 also remind yourself to understand and understand the provision of others. for example a when ustadz who routine fill study come to the complex our House in Depok with car not he usually use. the time we candai, "a new car NIH stadz?", Pak ustadz then tells the story. overnight previous there servant of God who rich came to home ustadz. ustadz own don't know, but he said he ever come in one study ustadz. he has 3 car in his home, and this car (ustadz pointing Innova White) of the most often have nothing to do, it is not used. he said, the car to ustadz only. let ustadz wear a for activities ustadz study, let me more useful than have nothing to do in the garage his home. he wanted to be able to berkahnya of each round of the wheels of the car every time ustadz ngisi study. while car ustadz long-used to operational boarding schools. "well it rizqi of God. I hope for which gives this car God give blessing always sustenance. ustadz does not kebeli car like this", he said close the story of the car. masyaallah well sustenance often paced mysterious. at least when people say that sustenance it could not be calculated mathematically, which nodded no longer the head of US, but the liver also participate believe.