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RE: Strength training as woman!?? why not ??

in #fitness7 years ago


Thank you, thank you, thank you

It is about time somebody wrote this.

There is no reason--unless you have injuries or other physical problems--that women cannot strength train.

Get rid of small weights and work up to using serious weights--you will love the way you look.

For all the women reading this--if a man gains ten pounds of lean muscle per year--he is happy--and this takes, gut busting effort.

So, please do not worry about looking like a man--or "bulking up" as this is not going to happen.

The best program you can follow is the classic 5x5 program.

This is five sets of five reps per set, for a total of twenty-five reps.

Focus on full squats--if you can do them safely--overhead presses, dead lifts, bent-over rows, incline presses, chins, pull-ups and chest dips.

Work on your form--and work on getting stronger on these lifts--for a solid year or so.

This will give you a great--base--from which to work from.

Then once you have the form down on the basics--and have gotten stronger on them, you can move into a more bodybuilding style routine--with reps in the 8-12 range--and even higher at times.

Take your time, master the exercises above--and get stronger on them.

Trust me, the woman you see looking back at you in the mirror--will be glad you did.


great information for people who read it. the exercises are perfect for women who are just starting to train (5x5) and then build up until they are satisfied themselves. I hope that with the help of steem we can inspire more people to take the first step to the gym.
thank you for your great reply. Keep spreading health :)

Thank you for writing it.

I wish more women would realize the benefits of strength training.

The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn--which helps keep you leaner.

But, and this does not get enough press, the strength you build up in the gym, will carry over to every aspect of your life, it will give you the confidence to know that you can do anything you put your mind too.

Plus, the strength you build up will help you do day to day things, like lifting heavy bags of groceries, to shoveling snow, to moving furniture.

Thank you again for writing it.