[Perspective] - What if we can heal 100% ourselves from home using our smart technology and wifi?

in #fitness8 years ago (edited)

I suggest you have an open mind to a new "already understood for centuries" but not practiced nor supported science for health.

Energy / Frequencies / Vibrations are our door way to true health and happiness.

I feel this science is a step forward to where we really need to be.

What if Chemtrails were, amongst other things, in place to reflect the intense scaler energy of the sun that was purposefully increasing our vibrational condition to a new global level of consciousnesses?

What if that is what the Mayans were talking about in regard to the end of a cycle? Sun cycle? Space weather?

What if the Pyramids were healing and biosphere calibration machines based on sacred geometry and the golden ration?

What of water and all living things are connected by scaler energy, an energy that feeds consciousness?

I feel that the new age of health is getting back to sacred geometry, mandalas and using technology to enhance our frequency exposure to conditions that promote health 100%.

What if we had WIFI routers that used frequencies that healed the body and removed harmful EMF?

Remove the need for pharmaceuticals and vaccines due to energy and frequency sciences.

Royal Rife…look it up.

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What I want to see for humanity is freeing ourselves from the insanity of corruption, the pharmaceutical illusion (symptom reliving rather cure), genuine education of our youth about energy, frequencies and vibrations and understanding what holistic science, meditation, consciousness and health really is from an early age.

Our education system is a fraud and is designed to keep us ignorant and sick on a higher %.

It is a numbers game.

I want to see our technology integrate fully with frequency sciences to ensure 100% health can be obtain within our technologically advanced environment (smart devices, cars, wifi routers and fitbits)

It can be done and if no one does it, I will.

Checkout this website for more - https://subtle.energy/



SOURCES: All words in my post are my own including rights to all images and music where relevant. Videos are also linked to their relative sources.

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Thanks for this post @sebsastianjago! I need to make a lot of changes in my life to adjust my energy, vibrations and frequencies, far too often I find myself in a spiral of bad energy and can find it difficult to get out of my head. Going to look at my surroundings and make adjustments towards more positive vibrations :)

Excellent! Another good article and the DNA transfer thing will provide me excellent reading for a few days. Synchronicity as I had written myself of Dr Michael Persinger earlier today in a posting on easy lucid dreaming.

Voted up and found this because I'm following.

Yes! Energy, frequencies and vibrations, there are so much more to them than what we are initially taught! Thanks for the info and links.

We need to escape the clutches of the money changers to be able to concentrate on anything else my friend, money is a representation of our spent energy, which is being drained at every turn. Great read, thanks for sharing.

Theres an app for that