Train With Jane: What is LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) Cardio, And What Are The Benefits?

in #fitness7 years ago


Low Intensity Steady State Cardio is any form of low intensity cardio where you maintain the same pace for a set period of time. It is completely the opposite to HIIT. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is an intense exercise, such as burpees, done for a short about of time followed by a rest to lower your heart rate levels. So, with HIIT your heart rate is pushed to its max, followed by a rest to lower your heart rate and repeated for 15-45 minutes. With LISS we are maintaining the same low but elevated heart rate level throughout the workout. In my previous article, I mention all the benefits to this type of training. LISS is completely different but also just as important and brings many benefits that should not remain ignored.

An example of LISS can be a brisk walk at 3.5MPH-4.5MPH for a steady rate (without interruptions) for 30-60 minutes. You can even add an incline (or uphill) for an added challenge.

Here are four reasons why you should do LISS 2-3 times a week!

1. Great For Beginners

If you are looking to start working out LISS is a great way to build up your fitness. Not only is it simple to do, but is an easy addition to your workout routine. LISS doesn’t put a lot of strain on your body which means that you can do it several times a week. If a beginner starts with HIIT, soreness becomes an issue making it difficult to build a routine and fitness levels.

2. Its Not Dreadful

We all dread HIIT, if you don’t... you’re probably not normal. I look forward to LISS in the morning, it starts my day off right and I feel accomplished! LISS can be done outside while taking a brisk relaxing walk.

3. Believe It Or Not, It Burns Fat & Is Good For Your Heart

When you train at a constant low intensity, it means that more oxygen is readily available. Fat needs oxygen to be broken down, so the more oxygen, the more fat you may burn. It’s not just about burning calories and burning fat - it’s also about your cardiovascular health. Practicing LISS can increase your heart’s health for sure.

4. It Makes For A Great Active Rest Day

If you are one of those who absolutely HATES taking rest days, I recommend LISS. HIIT, weight, and functional training can all take a toll on your body and we need time to recover. Adding another intense workout for the week may cause injury due to overtraining. LISS is a great way to still get exercise in without compromising your body. LISS can actually help to increase blood flow to damaged muscles and reduce post-workout stiffness.

I hope you all try to add in some new things into your fitness routines. Bringing variety and not sticking to the same routine will push your body to the next level. And, if you don't have a fitness routine you can start here!

Your Trainer,


Beautiful post.

Can't wait for good weather to join in with workout videos! Yours give so much inspiration! tried couple of your exercises at gym today! Super nice! :)

Sweeeeet that makes me super happy to hear :D !! I cant wait till it gets warmer too, outdoor workouts are my forte hahah thank you so much

Balance diet, exercise... is very important for good health. I know that fat burn is good for heart...daily workout is mandatory to save our heart ...your post is great ... I like it.

I agree. On the contrary there are many people who don't exercise but still lead a healthy life & heart.

Are there any studies you can refer to for this? I imagine after a long period of time, gains will diminish. However, I agree that it helps people like me who have tons of weight to lose. Might post progress on Steam.

Any videos or sites you can refer me to, to get ideas on how to incorporate this into my daily life?

Thanks for the post!

Thank you for commenting!
But - basically what this post is saying is to integrate brisk walking into your routine. This won’t take away from resistance/weight training because if you train 5x a week - you could just add 2 sessions of LISS on your rest days. Let’s say if you swap resistance training with LISS now that’s a different story and may result in gains being lost, no one wants that!
I used a few articles to write this up - I’ll shoot them over to you after I find something really really good to show ya.

Thanks! I really appreciate it. I could use the help haha. Currently at 368lbs. I'm 6'5", and carry it well, but I'd like to get off these blood pressure meds eventually.

Much obliged!

Well, lets start with what your current routine look like ?

Looks pretty much non-existent, at this point. Lots of death and sickness around me lately. I'm making changes so I can stick around for my son. He has autism and will likely need me to be around longer than typically. I'm only 29, so I'm sure the weight will come off easy enough to start.

Anyways, I've adjusted my diet and have been losing a pound or so a week with that. I've been tying to stay more active as well, in general. Other than that, I haven't started a regimen yet. I live in an apartment, so it would have to be low impact and quiet, or outside.

okay I see! Yeah I think starting with some LISS in the morning would be a good start for you! I then would progress to a mixture of full blown cardio (like HIIT) and LISS. Then keep upping it from there, adding resistance and all that :)
I really hope I’m helping in some way! Please feel free to ask me any questions.

You did help! Any encouragement is helpful to me. Thanks again.

need to give this a shot

Very interesting, I haven't heard about LISS before, I actually only do Tabata atm and it's really high intensity and tbh I am struggling but I guess that's the point... Anyways thanks for introducing me to LISS :P

Great post, not all exercise needs to be intense! I've been practicing Tai Chi for awhile and it's been my favorite form of LISS, check out my intro to the first movement here:

LISS I also think is awesome for recovery! After every lower-body day for me, I make sure to take a 30 minute walk on a treadmill, or around the building. I am not nearly as sore, and my strength still progresses!

I always do steady state cardio(treadmill running)after my upper body workouts!it works the best for me,better then HIIT!!Great post💪

Do you train daily already?

I love doing LISS workouts when I got more time on the hand but lack of the energy I usually have (I‘m tending to be more a HIIT person 😉) - great article on LISS, I‘m going to include some fitness stuff on my brandnew steemit account. Looking forward to your content! See you around! 👋🏼 @sarahsoh

You should try my training type...

NIIT - No Intention In training

It makes miracles lololol