How to stay healthy, strong and energized

in #fitness6 years ago

I get ask a lot how i manage to stay thin and look so good at my age. My answer is; eat right, exercise and drink plenty of water, but what works out for me doesn't mean it will workout for you, everyone is different and you probably know whats good and bad for you. Its all about discipline and consistency.
pull ups.jpg You have to make goals and set priorities, like everything else in your life. Don't expect to see fast results if you are lazy and make up excuses, Start today!, nothing is holding you back but yourself.
When you are ready to make a commitment with yourself everything will change for the better in your every day life. Avoid eating out, I know, sometimes we are in a hurry, we have kids, school, work, etc, but try making snacks in your house before you leave, not only you will save money but its much healthier than fast foods.
I love cooking and the more I practice the better I get. Do your homework before going to the groceries and buy local, its a little more money but is fresh. If you eat right, not only you will feel great, loose weight but you will boost your immune system.
I don't diet instead I eat right and never starve myself. Alcohol is fine, of course in moderation, lol. If you drink, avoid mixing, better drink straight up or on the rocks.


Change your life, grab a friend if you must and start taking care of yourself, we only live once right?.
Hope you enjoy my article. Comments, or any questions I'm here and also I will accept any suggestions. Gracias.


My thoughts exactly, you don't need to diet, just eat right and exercise

Yup. That’s all ☺️👌

Many great thoughts here 👍 I’m 37 & getting more healthy after every year!

Thank you! Good for you. I’m 40 and there’s no stopping me 🤣😈😌

Ya, looking good 😃

you're an inspiration.. (((hugs)))

Awww thank you ! 😌😽

Nice body!
I’m so jealous!

Lmao! Thanks! Hard work ! 👌🙂

I think people think that fitness is broken down into a million different parts and it is rocket science, when really it is just hard work and a few life healthy lifestyle choices. You look great for your age because you take care of your body the way you are supposed to. You watch what goes into it and you exercise. Anyone can accomplish their fitness goals if they can control those two things.

It doesn't need to be overly complicated and I think you are walking proof of that! :)

Absolutely!. You just have to make it fun and not a chore. Thanks a million ☺️

I agree! and of course! Love your page! :)

This post has received a 16.66 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @midnight-g.

lol, my vote value is more than byresteem, I think I want more :) just joking.
you are so fit! Thank you for the post.

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Ha!! Thanks. ☺️😽