Fitness for Beginners 5 - Supplements

in #fitness8 years ago

This post is part of a series called Fitness for Beginners - check out my last post here, if you'd like to see the post explaining my motivation for this series, click here

Supplements, one of those things everyone seems to have an opinion on. Let's talk !

Supplements are products that are supposed to supplement the part of nutrition you're lacking. That's the real definition most people, however, think that they can survive solely on supplements, which might be true, but it sure as hell isn't healthy. Supplements are usually a mixture of chemically processed components so I wouldn't advise you to try to catch 'em all.

Protein powder

I'd say protein powder is an essential supplement for building muscle, because you'd really have to watch your diet to get enough protein in to build muscle. Protein powder comes in lots of different variations with lots of semi-different effects...

But I'll try to keep it simple :

Whey concentrate

The cheapest variation, works good, but can make you feel bloated, it gives you protein immediately.

Whey isolate

Low number of carbs, quick absorption, makes it good for cutting. It's a bit on the expensive side.

Casein protein

Breaks down slowly over a couple hours = if you take it before going to bed, your body will have enough protein to build muscle throughout the night. Contains a big number of glutamine which boosts your immunity, also makes you feel full throughout the day if you take it in the morning.

Hydrolysate protein

The Rolex of protein, extremely quick absorption, extremely big price. It's easy on the stomach and helps boost anabolism.

Soy protein

Vegetarian protein, contains tons of glutamine(recovery), arginine(better nutrient absorption), BCAAs (recovery). It can help speed up metabolism.

There are more types of protein than I listed, some blends and stuff like that, but these are IMHO the best ones. I really wouldn't advise taking blends, because they have really low protein numbers.


Branched chain amino acids or BCAAs greatly help with recovery and help prevent muscle injuries. They also help when cutting fat, because they help protect your muscles from getting cut as well.


Helps your body produce more energy for high intensity workouts. It will also make your muscles look bigger, because it puts water in them, the water helps your muscles process protein more efficiently and they grow bigger and stronger.


Gives you a kickstart for your workout, you'll feel full of energy and will be able to do more reps, lift more weight and all the good stuff like that. They can also help you build muscle faster, recover better etc. It's all about what's in them.

Fat burners

Fat burners come in various shapes and forms, some work, some don't. Generally, the ones that boost your metabolism and increase your body temperature a tiny bit, work. Some of them can have similar effects to pre-workout supplements.


Always research before you buy something, don't trust what the seller tells you, look at reviews from other customers, look up if you actually need the supplement you've been meaning to buy. It can be very easy to get caught up in taking an extreme number of supplements at once and you'll be doing more harm than good. Some of these can be heavy on your internal organs - like your liver or kidneys. Always make sure you feel good when taking them, if you feel unwell don't take them.

Supplements work, but most of them aren't needed for training. There are tons of different supplement types. I'd say stick with the basic ones like protein and you'll be fine.

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