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RE: 🏋Mazzle's Getting Fit - The Harsh Reality of Supplements 🏋

in #fitness7 years ago

A very responsible post, mazzle. :)

I'm not sure why I am commenting on a supplement post, but I felt it was important to note nonetheless. I don't take supplements, I simply don't do enough to ever take my fitness to any level other than not to turn into a blob in my old age. But I've always viewed supplements in a bad light even though I know it wasn't entirely fair. I'm just suspicious soul. I liked your balanced commentary on them.


Thanks Linny. It’s important to know the risks when getting into this type of thing. Even if you’re not currently taking them.

Oh and you’re far from old. :P

I feel ancient and covered in webs internally as I cling to my youth. Maybe I do need to consider what supplements I need to take for old age. lol

When I 'trained'--if you can call it that--for a marathon, I felt everything was falling apart. It's a twinge here and there and I just felt OLD. You can't abuse your body like you do in your younger years. Omg... the more I write this the more depressed I feel. I'll go off and ponder on supplements (much later).

Haha I doubt you need supplements. Probably just a strength training program to help maintain that youthful feeling. Have a chat to a decent gym about strength training. You'll feel 100% in no time.