Man, some of the people in your social posts category put their heart & soul into those posts. Motivation is one of the most important aspects of fitness and they presented motivational posts that many people will benefit from.
I fully agree there is some crap posted under the health and fitness tags but to pigeon hole people like that seems a bit extreme.
Some of the people you've listed as writing low quality posts (some of them are genuinely low quality posts) are established members (with lots of friends) who could take offence and get upset.
I hope you can make more more friends than enemies here man.
Hi khufu,
thank you for your comments.
social ranking is not good or bad - it's simply different.
social posts contribute to friendship, building a community, have an influence on motivation, but they don't contribute to knowledge.
That's why social has its own category.
I didn't list any users except @chandrakan which look like a bot scraping content from other sources on the internet.
I hope to find people that share my appreciation to high-quality content.
I would like to hear other suggestion or improvements for a ranking method for high quality content.
do you have any suggestions?
maybe you are right.
I think from now on. I will list only the posts that provide knowledge.