This is my standard skills practice format that I do on days when I'm not doing any serious lifting. Sometimes I add or remove a few skills depending on how much time I have available.
Kettlebell halos 16 kg , face the wall squats and butterfly hip flows.
Kettlebell goblet squats - 20 kg *8, 24 kg *6, 32 kg *5
Turkish get ups (TGU's), before I do each set (1 rep left & 1 rep right) I do pullovers, diagonal pullovers and floor presses, all done with Kettlebells while laying on my back.
20 kg TGU 1L+ 1R (plus 5 floor presses and pullovers on each side)
24 kg TGU 1L + 1R (plus 4 floor presses and pullovers on each side)
28 kg TGU 1L + 1R (plus 3 floor presses and pullovers on each side)
Planche leans - 3 * 8 second holds ( My goal is to do a full planche before I'm 50, so I have less than a year )
GMB fitness parallettes one - full flow, just once.
Gymnastic rings
Front lever - 3 static holds, 8 seconds, 6 seconds, 5 seconds
Back lever - 3 static holds, 8 seconds, 8 seconds, 6 seconds
L sit skin the cat * 10
One arm Ice cream makers
Towel assisted with the non working arm, gripped at the bottom of the towel
2 sets per arm 5 reps per set
15 fast explosive decline pushups on parallettes with elevated feet.
It hit 46 deg C here when I was doing all that, so it was tough but I still had a good training session.
Keep Steeming friends
Sound like a great workout, unfortunately I can't lift a 28kg kettlebell yet the best I can do atm is 16kg.
Thanks for your comment and up vote. @blackcaviar
16 kg sounds like a light weight but everyone has to start somewhere. I know some men who had to start with a 12 kg kettlebell to be able to get the most benefit from it.
I also know a 50 year old woman who does TGU's with a 32 kg kettlebell , which is something many men will never achieve.
Walk your own path and let the numbers rise of their own accord.