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RE: Getting Serious about DTube - Daily Cycling Challenge #1

in #fitness7 years ago

Yeah, it's questionable whether it's worth the time, given the payout cutoff window is only 7 days, but I'm going to run with it for a few weeks and see how I go.

Not happy with my voice and I'm stressed as I also ride to the trail. Sooo unfit.

And thanks for the nice comments on the weight, men tend to put on weight around their waists and I don't show that ;-) Plus, I've lost 4kg (about 9lbs) since that post and are feeling much better for it.

BTW: The BMI Index suggests I'm overweight and was borderline obese. I like to think it's muscle mass. lol


Seriously! I have cut out soda, cut way back on calories and have been working out and I have been gaining weight! I gotta believe it is muscle! Though I have always heard that measuring your body is the best way to confirm results and not weighing yourself!