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RE: Mental Health & Powerlifting Training Cycle, 8 Week Cycle Check-in

in #fitness7 years ago

Peaks and valleys, we all have them.
I was recently off my cycling training for a couple weeks due to sickness and life. But my body needed the rest. I had been pushing it pretty hard and my sleep had been suffering for far too long.
Kudos to you for getting back at it! Just be sure to ease back into it for your hips sake! I know it can feel like you have all this catching up to do but that will just make it worse in the long term!
Keep it up!


Thank you! I’ve been a lot more aware of what my body is physically communicating to me. The first sign of hip pain, or any pain for that matter, I ease off and work on something else. I’ve definitely learned my lesson a couple years ago from overdoing it and burning myself out. It’s so nice to just be able to take a step back and relax sometimes