Do men admire muscular men?

in #fitness7 years ago

Honestly, I think men admire muscular men more than women do. Have you ever seen this meme?

The first time I saw it, I thought, “that is some true-ish.”

Never once has a woman cared about how much I deadlift, bench press, or squat. So long as I am stronger than her, she’s perfectly content.

And never has a woman been impressed by my traps and lats.

Guys on the other hand…

“Hey bro, what do you do for your traps?! I can’t get mine to grow and you have the cobras.”

I even had a guy ask me how I got my butt to grow so big, which was VERY awkward for me.

I think that most men have tried lifting weights at some point, and quickly realized that building muscle is not something that happens over night. Many guys know that it takes years and years of hard work.

So yes, men admire muscular men.


I feel you on this.

This is truth. Many times, I notice more at a bar then I do the gym.