So I finally won a race

in #fitness5 years ago

I enter these off-road jungle races a couple of times a week for exercise and the camaraderie with the other expat residents that live in the Chiang Mai area. I don't ever expect to place very well in them. This was especially true earlier this week when I went to the Monday run drunk after drinking beer all morning during the Super Bowl. I was a bit useless on that one.


Now for any accomplished runners out there, a 7 minute km is NOT an impressive run rate but there are 2 things you gotta understand about these things.

  • For the most part the participants are my age (40) or older
  • Almost all of the race takes place off road, sometimes on tricky terrain

at this portion we were on a tiny raised platform between the rice fields, obviously you can't move very fast on this

So there was a pack of about 50 people and I was NOT in the front the entire time because there are certain points where the trail ends and then whoever the people are up front have to search for where the trail continues, which is going to be somewhere within 100 meters of where the marker indicated that the trail had ended. You have to FIND it and then shout to the others.

This can result in you losing a couple hundred meters of your progress because if you accidentally go off in the wrong direction, now you have to catch back up. So a lot of my victory was based on me being lucky and that is ok with me if anyone wants to say that it was "the only reason why i won."


You don't actually win anything for coming in first. Well, other than pride and the ability to hand out this crown that we refer to as the "wings."

I have been running with these guys for over a year and only came close to winning once before. This time, i finished multiple minutes before anyone else so yeah, I'm gonna enjoy this moment. A few years ago I was 106kg and couldn't run to the end of my driveway and back without needing a break (and probably a sandwich.) I am now down to around 82kg and winning races? Yeah, I'm proud of that and I'm gonna brag a little bit :)

This was once again done with the Hash House Harriers. A international group of "drinkers with a running problem" that I highly suggest you check and see if your region has a chapter.


In the end, as long as you had fun! And you pushed yourself when you coulda just stayed on the couch be lazy and drink.


Hahaha Congratulations. So it's basically the pedestrian version of the wacky races.
Whether by luck or not, you won the race by making it to the end and you should be proud and brag as MUCH as you want. You've earned it.

Here's a clip from the wacky races

yep, it's almost exactly the same thing... lol


"I should exercise more." That's what I thought reading this. I would probably place the last if I participated in that race.

Congrats for the "wings."


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Congratulations sir 🎉🎉🎉... Well-done 💯 💯

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Congratulations on being one step further to being the fastest hash smuggler in the world, baby boi.

My Mrs does this trial running, the last weekend she did a 28 mile one. Madness I say, I never got the running bug.., it's torture to me.

She's making me post it but hasn't given me the story. It will be soon enough.

Those are tricky rules but it kinda shows off the kind of person you are I guess
Being ahead and then having to call out to the rest and all this during a race haha

Oh, and that whole drinking beer first then running
In your case wasn’t part of the race
But it reminded me of that club The Hash Hariers :)

Anyways Wings and Bragging Rights sounds like a fine prize :)

The last time I did any trail running was when a gaggle of Geese chased me back in the direction I had come from...!!!

that would work for me, Geese are vicious creatures. :)

Congratulations. You have stuck with this and it takes commitment and determination. Your goal was to get into better shape which you certainly have and kudo's to you as you deserve it. Never realized you had shed 24 kilograms which is nearly 10 bags of sugar which is a lot.

Congratulation! It’s really good to know that your body weight down about 24 kg. That’s a great achievement, since I starting losing my weight, I think you’re excellent..

Congrats on the win! I am hoping that maybe some day I can take part in a small local 5k race or something like that. I don't have any intentions of winning, but being able to complete it would be a huge accomplishment for me! What a great way to end one of your last runs in Thailand!



Félicitations !

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!




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and of course now Vietnamese .. Xin chúc mừng

Glad you got to taste a little victory for the hard work you put into it over the past years. You needed that win to leave on a high note! Really quite proud of you :-)

...I'm gonna enjoy this moment. A few years ago I was 106kg and couldn't run to the end of my driveway and back without needing a break (and probably a sandwich.) I am now down to around 82kg and winning races? Yeah, I'm proud of that and I'm gonna brag a little bit :)

Absolutely you should!

P.S. Molly and Pepper say Hello