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RE: Getting Serious about DTube - Daily Cycling Challenge #1

in #fitness7 years ago

Isn't it incredible how long it takes to make videos? For me, I have to write basically a blog post first, and then record it, edit it, export, render, upload etc. I am so excited that you are doing this though! I forget that you are Australian! Now I am going to read all of your posts in your voice! It's cool to hear it though!

BTW - You definitely don't look like you need to lose weight, but daily exercise is never a bad thing! Oh and it's so green where you are compared to here, I'm jealous haha.

Keep it up!


Yeah, it's questionable whether it's worth the time, given the payout cutoff window is only 7 days, but I'm going to run with it for a few weeks and see how I go.

Not happy with my voice and I'm stressed as I also ride to the trail. Sooo unfit.

And thanks for the nice comments on the weight, men tend to put on weight around their waists and I don't show that ;-) Plus, I've lost 4kg (about 9lbs) since that post and are feeling much better for it.

BTW: The BMI Index suggests I'm overweight and was borderline obese. I like to think it's muscle mass. lol

Seriously! I have cut out soda, cut way back on calories and have been working out and I have been gaining weight! I gotta believe it is muscle! Though I have always heard that measuring your body is the best way to confirm results and not weighing yourself!