Intermittent fasting, an easy approach to improve your health, well-being and appearance.

in #fitness6 years ago

In my research to discover methods to delay the on set of ageing, I came across intermittent fasting. This will get you lean, if done over the long term in most cases it’ll bring out your abs.

Besides being an effective method to control overall caloric consumption for weight loss, what really sparked my interest in IF (Intermittent fasting) was the endocrine effects, increase in mental acuity and a shift from a sugar based metabolism to a predominately fat based energy system.

My recommendation is to ensure that you only drink water for fourteen to eighteen hours of your day, you’ll have an eating window of ten to six hours. For me skipping breakfast is the easiest approach. I have my first meal at 12h00 and last before 18h00 on average.

IF gives your digestive system a break, allows recuperation and gives you access to the energy that normally goes into digesting food continuously. Not over eating during your eating window is of course crucial, a sensible approach to healthy eating is still required. Its the endocrine response that is the most significant effect of this process. However it should not be forgotten that overall caloric consumption remains the primary variable in drug free weight loss management.

Effective burning of fat for energy in the human body begins when glycogen levels are depleted and insulin levels are low. We live in a high carbohydrate, sugar centric, over eating modern society, the average persons health and appearance deteriorates by the day.

To make this process effective over the long term, the management of carbohydrate intake relative to your daily energy needs should be carefully considered. Not all carbohydrates are created equal, low to mid glycemic carbohydrates should form the bulk of your carbohydrate consumption, especially from natural high fibre sources.

More will follow from me on intermittent fasting in further articles. I invite your questions and comments. I also plan to post my progress photos so stay tuned if you enjoy this topic.