Healthy Living

in #fitness7 years ago (edited)

A couple of years ago - I created a website on Healthy Living. But due to my busy work life schedule, I parked it aside. I am now in the process of trying to revive it. Basically the website was a blog about how I lost a stone and a half, joined weight watchers, took part in weekly 5k park runs and embraced a healthy lifestyle for myself and family.

I am a keen promoter of eating healthy though I do have my bad days and break all the rules. This is human as its not an easy lifestyle to follow. One thing I have learned over the process is the need to recognise and accept those bad days and get back on track afterwards.

Reasons why I share this story is because we are now in the Christmas season which is the season to be jolly etc. 2018 is round the corner and some of us make new year resolutions which we try to follow and adhere to. I have 2 teenage boys and I tell them not to wait till the new year before they make resolutions. They can make one today and change them.
Looking forward to reading comments on fitness, family, food, health and recipes in the forums.