Get fit and spend no money while you are at it

in #fitness7 years ago (edited)

Callisthenics – The lost art of body weight training

This is an age where so called new revolutionary methods of training and fat loss are unveiled almost every day. People are desperately trying to lose weight and ward off lifestyle diseases like type 2 diabetes and cardio vascular conditions. It is easy to be influenced by marketing propaganda and we are even ready to blow our hard earned money on expensive fitness clubs, unnecessary equipment and personal trainers who don’t know what the hell they are yapping about. It is almost like a fashion statement to tell your friends and relatives that you have joined the latest Zumba classes or Cross-fit club to drop the extra pounds that you have piled on. No offence meant to any form of training, I bet they are all fun ways of staying in shape. We are ready to try almost anything and everything to get the physique that we have always dreamt of, but the question remains if we are making smart moves. What if I told you that instead of looking for new methods of training or spending lakhs of rupees on the latest motorized treadmill, all you have to do is go back in time and embrace an age old system of training that can make you as strong and strapping as a horse? A system of exercise that can burn all the extra fat off your body and give you the lean mean look that you have always aspired for, all this with a little discipline and dedication? And the highlight is that there is no need of any equipment whatsoever. What ? You are crazy dude, I think I should stop reading this article and do endless hours of cardio on my new orbi-trek , Aren’t these the thoughts that are running through your mind ? Bear with me for a few more paragraphs and this can possibly save your life and your bank balance.

Here is the word you have all been waiting for, the answer. CALISTHENICS. Before you jump into any conclusions that this is not for women or senior citizens, let me tell you that this is for EVERYBODY, whether you are an Olympic athlete or the average Joe who is trying to get into shape to woo his cute neighbor. Calisthenics in layman’s terms is body weight training. No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you. Simple training where you use your own body weight for resistance forms the core principle of Calisthenics. Okay body weight training you say, but what was all this hype about ? How is it better than what I am doing at present?

Let’s face facts, we have seen some people who have been training for years, lifting heavy weights with improper form and winding up with muscle imbalances. This is evident from their posture, either a Kyphosis(rounded shoulders) or Lumbar Lordosis(sway back). The victims are the average gym goers who are victims of absurd training methods . Body building is not a very natural thing to do, there .. I said it, hurl bricks at me if you want to. Body weight training is the most natural way for the human body to move, this builds a strong foundation of strength that can be put to use in everyday life. This is what we can call functional strength. What is the point of having all that muscle mass if you can’t throw a punch, sprint efficiently or even bend over and touch your toes? The human body was designed to move by employing muscle complexes i.e. groups of muscles at the same time. Even body builders and power lifters who are genuinely strong have devoted a lot of time training in body weight exercises. This system of training builds strength in the tendons and muscles proportionately. By isolating muscles the body building way, the tendons eventually give away due to the disproportionate development of muscles(because tendons are not strengthed enough) and this can lead to severe injuries, reduced range of motion(when people don't stretch and relax the muscles post workout) and also inflamed tendons(if not done right and with proper guidance). Do not despair, all this can be fixed by going back to bodyweight training and mending all the damage patiently. Even if you are trying to be a body builder, you will have to train holistically. You should be increasing intensity only gradually when you are performing movements that isolate certain muscles or muscle groups so that you do not end up injuring yourself. Some people may be blessed with joints and tendons that are naturally strong and thick, but you still shouldn't be taking them for granted. Make sure to go in for massages once in a while and also stretch out properly after a workout so that your posture and range of motion aren't compromised.

All this sounds good , but what about my cardio man? Try doing dead slow push ups and squats for 3 or more sets of minimum 20 repetitions and you will have your answer. It has also been proven that resistance training burns fat tissue for upto 24 hours after the workout, Jogging probably won’t do that for you. The intention behind your cardio sessions should be to increase the capacity of your lungs rather than just burning fat. It worked for me and I am confident that it will work for you too. 3-5 intense sessions a week are all you will need to achieve your strength and fitness goals , psssst .. PROVIDED YOU MAINTAIN A HEALTHY AND BALANCED DIET. You cannot expect to look like Jason Statham on a diet of potato chips and beer.

Top martial artists and gymnasts are masters of body weight training. Think of Bruce lee’s dense musculature and the kind of speed and power the man could generate. This was because he had a strong foundation which he built over the years with diligent body weight training. I am not asking you to attempt hand stand push ups and pistol squats right away. Start with something as easy as wall push ups and jackknife squats. Practically everyone can adopt this method of training and slowly build their strength to impressive levels. This is also great for elderly people with brittle bones and athletes who are recovering from injury. The best part is you can perform these exercises anywhere, be it on your terrace or your office cubicle.

Many of us will try our best to come up with excuses to stay away from exercising. What if I tell you that you can get an intense workout in under 20 minutes and get stronger and burn fat by doing so? I’m sorry guys, you do not have an excuse anymore.

I personally am glad to see that this lost art is finally resurfacing in the west and getting the recognition that it deserves. I would encourage you to pick up a copy of Convict Conditioning or a Barstarz DVD. These are comprehensive treasure troves on body weight training. This might sound insane and will be hard to digest for a lot of gym rats out there, for these principles are against everything that you have learnt about fitness so far. Well, it is time to unlearn all that and take a leap of faith. After all you have nothing to lose. I am not trying to dissuade you from gym training altogether. Body building can complement your body weight training although it is not compulsory for non builders. Throw in a few body building exercises into the mix and enjoy the variety. Experiment and come up with your personalized hybrid programs that work the best for you.

Amar Rameshreceived_10208853202074707.jpeg