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Now that’s what you call “hard work pays off” I must say you made a whole lot of progress in just 5 months . It takes people 1-2 years at least

Amazing result man! Trying to get in shape myself I can only respect you for the amount of work you have put in and the awesome result you achieved so far. You look great.

I was wondering what life is like being lean compared to Strong/fatter? What do you prefer? What are the most benefits in daily life?

Also did you get rid of your high cholesterol levels?

Keep up the awesome results and safe travels to New York!

Thanks @exyle!

what life is like being lean compared to Strong/fatter? What do you prefer? What are the most benefits in daily life?

Good question, I think it is easy to say 'I'm leaner, I feel great' but the the truth is it is hard work!

There is a certain comfort and "feel good" factor to being strong and fatter and eating what you like. I can't deny that. However in the back of my mind I know I'm eating myself to an early grave.

Being lean makes it easier to train hard. I can push my endurance more and train more consistently. A knock on effect is that anything else I need do day-to-day feels like a minor challenge.

did you get rid of your high cholesterol levels?

I go back to the specialist in the Autumn. So fingers crossed!

This is awesome. Really inspiring! The working in an office for years and ignoring your body is sounding very familiar. When I turned 30 I thought my body was begging to give up on me. Hangovers took days to recover from, and so did exercise. 10 years on and I've just turned 40, and been working in an office for the last 8 years, doing little to no exercise takes its toll. I've already quit alcohol and my daily red bull addiction, but I know there's a lot more I could do. I need to get my arse into gear and get moving, and your story is really inspiring. Thanks!

Quitting alcohol is a great start. I think getting started with a routine you can stick to consistently is key. I look forward to hearing your story once get going!!

You can do it! :) It feels so good once you get it going again. I started back with just a couple dumbbells and bodyweight training so far.

Nice stuff! Keep it up, this is where it will get harder to make gains because you're approaching super shredded.

Get some calisthenic workouts to do while you're on holiday :-)


Yep - I slapped out the Shaun T DVD this morning. :) #nodaysoff

Good work bro didn't see you in the gym 👍

Hey - I didn't know you were on Steemit! I'll follow your blog from now on. Won't be in the gym for a while as I'm away, but will catch up with you when I'm back.

I didn't know you was on here it's good to see you doing well bro 🤜🤛

Many times we focus on our work but we do not pay attention to what our body needs.
Since I am in steemit I dedicate myself to drawing many hours a day sitting and I do not leave home I have become sedentary, which has made my life a hell and with many pains.
I want to start improving my body but where I live there is no where I can do it.
I love that you look good, but more important that you feel good and sastifecho with yourself! all your effort was worth it.Your story is really amazing and inspiring, I think it's incredible that you have thought about improving your health and leaving behind that sedentary life, you look amazing @nanzo-scoop!

Looking good @nanzo-scoop!! I’ve also been shedding the crypto gut 😂. Keep on that grind! If you ever come to Vegas, you can workout at my ufc gym for free for a lifetime 💯

Thanks man - I'll definitely take you up on that when I come to Vegas. Pity I can't make it on this trip!

Most people who comes to vegas don't even want to go... they rather party haha. Dana White even rolled up to the Fuchs gym last month. My twin brother invited him and took some pics. So messed up, he didn't even tell me until a few days later haha

That is simply incredible, man. Very well done! Undeniable testament that hard work never goes without reward.

Congratulations to the absolute max!

Thanks bro, look forward to catching up with you properly when I get back!

Wow..such a significant change in here. I think you love the man you are becoming. Very stronger and healthier with your daily workout. So much calories burnt. Great work for great results @nanzo-scoop.

It shows a great job in that transformation

you are the most consistent and that's what make you stand out from others leading by an example always :)

when is the winner of the contest payment?

Good question - apologies I've been tied up, I'll try and sort it out in the next couple of weeks.

Brilliant! Looking 10 years younger. Hard work pays off. Now I will do 5 push ups. Feeling motivated. :)

Wow, this is great. I hope I will be able to discipline myself and resume keeping fit. I stopped working on my fitness last year December when I got sick.

I hope you're able to get back into fitness too. The hardest part is getting started, once you do I'm sure you'll smash it!

@nanzo-scoop that’s really incredible. Bravo for your dedication. Great inspiration for others.


Oh wow!! This is some seriously impressive progress - and dedication! Congrats and respect :). I know how hard it is - to stay disciplined and just stick to the routine. Had to do it after each baby, 3 times total lol. The good thing about making exercise part of your life is that you get used to that boost that brings up your spirits no matter what. Whenever I feel down, I exercise- or dance :). Congrats once again!

Thanks! My wife had to do the same after our 3 kids... so I've witnessed first hand the real dedication (and hard work) that takes. Kudos to you!

Thank you and kudos to your wife! :)

The first thing I learned is that it's important to focus on one thing. Sometimes it's hard to know where to start. Do you focus on gaining strength? Gaining muscle? Keeping in shape? Or lose fat/weight?

I think the main thing is to have a good guide, it happens to me like you do, I have no idea how to start, for me it's frustrating to get the time and see my desire to improve lost after three days, I'm a great sweet lover and I really have trouble starting to leave it at least 5 days a week, but your words and ideas are motivating, see your progress is an encouragement, especially because I see that already with an older age is more difficult to lose weight, today I have 10 kg more, I would love to have @ivargereiko and @ colossus39 around to count on their help, I congratulate the three is an excellent job

Finding the time is key. It can be frustrating starting off however if you focus on one aspect of wellbeing and make it a priority you'll see results. Think months rather than days and you'll be surprised how quickly time goes and the changes start happening. Good luck on your journey, particularly conquering the sweet-tooth!

a lot of discipline and perseverance, especially being constant. In truth, I respect my support with my humble vote.

From dad body to mad body. lol

If your new mad body proves popular enough, you can go from that to ad body. lol

Love it! I still remember the first posts @ivargereiko and @colossus39 did about you starting to train with them, and it's amazing how much you've all achieved! A great example if hard work + consistency = results. Very inspiring :)

Thanks my dear - those guys have been fantastic and pivotal in helping me work towards my goals.

Goodness me. We're starting to see abs bro. I need to get my skates on. This is amazing. Hard work and accountability has paid off.

Thanks! You do, we can have an ab face-off the next time we meet! :)

jheeez nice one bro! I like the transformation

Man, you are living #life to the fullest! Your perfectly written Steemit post is a complete reflection of the discipline that you possess towards your health! You're showing us all what it takes to be an amazing Steemian and a healthy one at that! Great work man you're putting these millennials and office job workers to task!

Wow, what a beautiful transformation!

So much adrenaline in your bloood

I admire your determination and finding support. I’ve taken some time off my projects to focus on my health and family, keeping it real helps so much☺️

That’s discipline.
Should be proud of your work ethic.
I will keep this post near my heart
Cause I want to have a result similar to yours.
I have to put time to it.
Burn more calories than intake.
Keep on postin’

Wow ... the extraordinary changes. your efforts to become healthier became the motivation for the user steemit. I would like to have a spirit like you, but it took great energy to be like you ...

Thanks for the inspiration @nanzo-scoop, your progress is really sick !

Also I like to keep myself accountable to myself. Which is why I record my daily stats and post them @fitat40. It's hard to hide from the facts when there are recorded on the blockchain!

This is 100% true if you are honest to yourself and also helps me in a very powerful way. I could recommend it to everyone who wants to make some kind of change in their life to use Steemit in this way.

Great to hear you will continue and it's only the start. Good luck and thanks for the support !

I think the word here is NO PAIN NO GAIN...
Thanks @nanzo-scoop for sharing

Hard work rewarded...well done :)

This is inspiring!! Bravo i am pround of you. It is simple as you said consume less than you burn. It's about keeping it up this way and be serious about i, as you did. 💪🏻

I agree with the rest of the comment. It really takes determination. I know that I should slim down as well so I am watching my diet since it is really hard to have workout with our modern work habits. You did a major move that not many will have the courage to do so!

Hey @nanzo-scoop, this is so inspirational and well done!! You have achieved so much... Have a great holiday with family and I look forward to meeting you when you return. :)

Me too... I'll try not to enjoy the holiday (and to food) too much! lol


With discipline and hard work everything can be done, good work.

" Burn more calories than you consume "
That's it man! Finally someone who understands the way the body works. You did an outstanding sir! You look amazing! Any specific goals made already, or is just about to see how far you get?

Thanks man! My plan is to lean out a bit more then slowly put muscle mass back on... the right way!

You bet! It a work in progress. But like everything else life, this takes patience and will power.

Great progress man!!! Look 10 years younger lol. I use to do "tree it method" to stay dedicated. No matter the stress or not feeling like the gym, id touch a tree leave all my problems there and get ot done. Calories in calories out period. There are some variations on how the body responds. I did the iifym and high fat diet. I would carb cycle. And 1 day a week i ate whatever i wanted for 1 meal, usually on leg day. Health is wealth especially when thats clocks ticked a few times. Great great job!

Thanks! Yep, nothing is more important than good health.

He’ll yeah man you look great way to go @nanzo-scoop. Routine looks legit as well ! Who you got for no love vs dillashaw 2 ?

I think Cody will get his revenge this time. It will be a good fight either way.

What an lovely transformation @nanzo-scoop i am totally happy for you my friend that all those days without a proper meal and satisfaction are now paying off, really a nice journey of mister @fitat40 because now you are finally fit.

Congratulations your post was featured in @freedomtribe's curation post today!

WHOLY CRAP YOU LOOK GREAT!! I'm going to use this method!

Wow congrats on the progress!! Hard work always pays off 💪🏽

can you contact me? ie on my discord group ;)

you are looking so cool man, we have to keep fit..

you are doing really hard workout so that you make your body in a perfect shape

You are looking more than cool man :). Great workout.


Wao this is progress

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