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RE: Without Electricity We Are Powerless - Preparing for an Extended Electrical Grid Failure

in #firstworldproblems8 years ago

I must admit I have a lot to learn about electricity. I am looking forward to it. I have however stopped using CFLs because I broke multiples of them not even knowing they were filled with toxins. I am surprised to be halfway sane yet. I was even stabbed by one when I fell on it drunk. A direct injection of those poisons into my bloodstream! I am thankful to be alive and healthy. Here is what can happen if you step on a broken CFL.

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What do you want to know about electricity?
To me, this is... imagine reading books written in the 70s that should have been implemented back in the 50s but haven't. The shit exists, people do it all the time, but usually only single engineers that know how to make it work and keep it going. Like wood powered vehicles (methanol). Coal batteries and other shit.

So, what is it you want to know. Where does one need to start?

And if, what you want to know is what is electricity, I have to start with, everything you know is wrong. Which really gets all the pseudo-scientific types' panties in a bind.

The best way is to buy a small gasoline generator.
And then you buy 12 gas cans. Label them Jan-Dec. Each month, you pour one of the cans into your car's gas tank, and go get it refilled. Thus, you are continually recycling your storage. (Gasoline separates and becomes gum and volatiles; not good for engines)
Then, when the lights go out, you have 12 cans of gas to use on your little generator. Should get you through almost anything.

Another way to go is buy a propane powered generator. But they are much rare in the states. Propane doesn't degrade like gasoline, so you can just store several cannisters for when you need them. Also good for cooking and such.

Solar power, you start with whatever panels you can afford. Then a small charger and a battery. Then you buy a little inverter, and run shit off it.
Then, you just make the whole system bigger.